Chapter 20 - Confusion

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Chapter 20 - Confusion

I wrote this literally like four months ago, but decided not to update because no one seemed to care about this story anymore. But I recently checked and decided to update for the ONE person who commented. This story isn't going how I want to anyways, I think I started it like three years ago or something. I'm not really into and I'm unsure if I'll update anymore. So yeah. Comments would be nice, tell me what you think. Here's another sucky chapter.

- CastleSky


    I woke up, my head was pounding, and I had a weird ache in my neck. My first realization was that I was lying on a cold and rough surface. Lifting my body off the ground into a sitting position was hard , as I had discovered that my hands were tied behind my back, pinned to the wall with metal shackles. After I had finally sat up, I took in my surroundings. The place I was in was freezing, my position was completely surrounded by metal bars, like a prison. The floor was made of rough grey brick, same with the wall I was pinned to. The only source of light was the gated window above my head, so high up, that even if I could stand, I wouldn’t be able to look through it. Fear crept up my stomach and into my chest. I started to hyperventilate, what had happened yesterday? Everything seemed like a blur, faces and hallways starting popping up in my thoughts. Rodney, Scorpius, library books, the third floor; there was so much there but yet so little. I couldn’t figure out what had happened to me, how did I end up here? Then shock, a shock worse than fear, struck me, what and why am I here? Bad thoughts started attacking my brain: those men in the alleyways of Knockturn Alley, Death Eaters that my Uncle Harry always spoke of, the ones that had not been caught and were probably seeking revenge on him, or just plain out those sickos that my mom is afraid of, the ones who take advantage of young girls. Tears started to well up in my eyes, I was breathing hard. Why me, what have I done to deserve this? My stomach growled and I could feel the dryness in my throat. Swallowing thickly, I let the tears silently drain down my face.

    There was a loud bang outside the small prison I was in, all I could see was a hallway outside the metal door. I jumped in shock, the noise echoing until it disappeared into the silence. I waited for someone, or something to come down the hallway, I waited patiently and scared, but yet nothing had came. The minutes of waiting turned into hours, the light in the window began to fade into night, the tears on my face dried until my skin was stiff and felt dirty, and my mouth was so dry, it probably looked like the old cracked pavement of muggle London.

    The only thoughts had been about myself the past few hours had finally faded into the fear for my family. My dad, reckless, overconfident, super annoying, and as big headed as they get, yet protective, loving, and my hero. What was he feeling, was he crying or searching everywhere for me? Most likely the latter, or you never know, both. What if I never come home, what if they never find me? The fear was unbearable, my swollen eyes began to water once more. My loving and hard working mom, smart beyond her wits, she would definitely be looking for me, angry at whoever could do such a thing to her precious daughter. Then my brother Hugo, quite on many levels, and extremely annoying, especially when I used to catch him snooping around my bedroom. He would probably be full of guilt, shaming himself for every little thing he has ever done wrong to me. My Uncle Harry, head of the Auror Department, probably wouldn’t think twice to hurt someone if they were to hurt his niece. Ginny, extremely caring, yet, I would never want to be in the way of her wrath when angry. Cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, everyone would be devastated. Then hope began to fill me, I don’t care when, or how, but I know, my parents, my family, everyone who cares about me, will find me. I have no doubts, I don’t know how I ended up here, I don’t know when, but all I know, is that I will see my family again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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