Chapter 7 - Broken Kiss

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Chapter 7 – Broken Kiss


Later that day, I was on my way too the Gryffindor common room, when I ran into Rodney.

“Oh, hey, sorry about that.” I said nervously.

Rodney just smiled picking up my books. “Nah, it’s alright, I have been wanting too talk with you anyways.”

“Oh,” I said a little surprised, we hadn’t hung out in weeks. “Alright.”

“Come on.” He said grabbing my hand, still holding my books.

Even though it was late, and I was just kicked out of the library to go to my Common room, Rodney secretly led me to the Astronomy Tower roof.

I giggled when we reached it and he towed me over too one of the walls. “What are we doing here?”

He just shrugged. “It’s a full moon, I like the light, like I did when I asked you too the dance. Except that time, I forgot about the fact about werewolves for some reason; maybe because you were distracting me with your beauty.”

I blushed. He sat down against the wall, opened his legs and fit me right between them, wrapping his arms around my waist.

We just stared at the stars for awhile, and then he said. “I’m sorry for ditching you a lot lately, my parents said if I came here; work was the number one priority, although, I missed you dearly a lot.” He kissed the top of my head.

I smiled. “It’s alright, my parents recommend it as well, learned that from my mom, I don’t like howlers, feel like killing my mom when it’s happening. I once even sent one back.”

He chuckled. “But all that matters is that I am here with you.”

I sighed looking into the stars. “You know?” I asked. “I never really appreciated how wonderful and bright the stars look at Hogwarts. I miss this kind of thing back home, it’s too cloudy and pollution like.”

He sighed. “Me too.”

After awhile, I got out of his lap and sat next too him, laying my head on his right shoulder. He turned his heads towards me, and I did the same. I leaned up as he leaned down; we both kissed, and kissed for awhile. My arms linked behind his neck, after awhile, I opened my eyes, my lips still connected with Rodney’s, and saw a white headed boy starring at us with wide and torn pine tree green eyes. Like he was sad, his lips curled against each other angrily, and then he disappeared out of sight. I jumped away from Rodney in surprise and he jumped back as well of my sudden out burst. “What did I do?” He wondered very loudly.

I shook my head, “Its nothing, just thought I saw something spying on us, maybe a ghost or something.”

Rodney nodded, and we stood that way, apart in awkward silence.

“Right,” I muttered. “We should be getting back too our common room before Filch finds us.”

Rodney nodded, and we walked together, in silence, not holding each others hand. I mean, for some reason, I wanted too, but didn’t have a feeling I needed too. So I just kept my hand swinging alone, next too his. We finally reached our common room, before we split both ways into girls and boys room, I said. “Well, I will see you tomorrow at the Quidditch game, alright?”

He nodded entering his room first; I waited for his door too close first, before I took a big breath and entered mine with a gentle push on the door.

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