Chapter 5

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When I ate, Pete kissed me and I kissed him back.
"I told you I wouldn't kiss you until I got some food," he laughed.
"This is just one of the reasons I love you so much." He picked me up and spun me around. Panic left. Me and Pete were just cuddling and on our phones.
"Hey, Sky is ours for the moment." Patrick came into the room.
"Huh?" Pete and I looked at him confused.
"Joe will get you ready, while Andy and I will help Sky get ready." Patrick and Andy herded me into my room.
"What do you want to wear?" Andy asked.
"Umm. Nothing too girly, but nothing too plain." I was shuffling through my clothes.
"Sky, do you like this?" Andy showed me a gray hoodie, with some black jeans, and my blue vans.
"That's perfect. So do either of you 2 know how to put on makeup?" I asked. Patrick raised his hand.
"I know how to help you put on eyeliner and mascara. That's it though." I laughed.
When I was done, Patrick put some eyeliner on me, and I put on some dark blue eye shadow. I put my bangs to where they were almost in my eyes.
"Ok. You are all ready to go." Andy said.
"Thanks, guys." I hugged them.
I walked downstairs, Pete was waiting there, a little confused. He had on a black shirt and some skinny jeans.
"Wow." he beamed at me.
"Thanks. Ready?"
"Wait. Pete, I want you 2 home by 11." I rolled my eyes.
"Dad, we got this." Pete walked me to the car and opened the door for me.
"Thank you." I sat down, he jogged to his side and started the car.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Joe told me a place. It's a surprise." I smiled and looked at the window.
"We are here." there was sign that said: Couples Only
"Wow. Why are we doing this again?" I shrugged as we walked in. It was a club. Pete handed me a drink and we started dancing. There was a lot of people, I tried to enjoy the moment but I was feeling very overwhelmed.

"Sky, you want to get some fresh air?" Pete asked me."Yeah." We went outside."I'm sorry, I had no idea how bad this was." he said."You didn't know, it's alright." I hugged him."How about we go somewhere else?" he asked."Good plan." We got in the car and headed towards a house."Pete, where are we going now?""The Way's house. You didn't know that Mikey and Gerard still live together, did you?" he smiled."That means you can meet Max." I said. He pulled in the driveway."Ok. Come on." we walked to the door, Gerard opened it."Pete, Sky, it's so good to see you again." We hugged."Sky!" Mikey hugged me."Mikey, I missed you. Where is Max?""Max!" Mikey called up the stairs."What's up, Uncle Mikey?" He ran downstairs."Max, meet Pete. Pete, meet Max." I introduced them, and they said hello."So what brings you here this late, may I ask?""Um, the guys tried to set up a date and it didn't go too well, so we just drove over here.""Cool. Frank and Ray were about to come over." Mikey called from the kitchen."What are you doing?" I walked in the kitchen, Mikey was making popcorn."What does it look like, bozo?""Did you just call my girlfriend a bozo?""Yeah, the name was meant for you though.'' We all laughed, but Pete."Not funny." he grumbled and pouted. I kissed his cheek."Chill, have some fun, babe." he smiled. The doorbell rang."Frank, Ray. Come on, Sky and Pete are here too." I heard Gerard say."Where is Sky?" Frank walked in the kitchen."Sky. How is my niece doing?" He hugged me."Great. How are you and Ray doing?""Good.""Are Ray and you a thing?" I whispered. He smiled and nodded."I knew it!" I shouted."You knew what?" Pete asked."That me and Ray are dating." Frank told him."That's great, man.""Speaking of him, where is Ray?""In here!" I ran to him."Ray!""Sky! It's been so long." he gave me a bear hug."Lucky, you know a bunch of bands." Max pouted."Yeah, Linkin Park, Green Day, New Politics, Panic!, Simple Plan, The Fray, and All Time Low." I smirked."Don't worry, in time you will know a bunch of bands too." Gerard smiled.

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