Chapter 10

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When we got home, I pulled Andy into my room.
"What's going on?" Andy asked.
"You know how you said that if Danny ever bothered me again that you would call the cops?"
"Yeah. Why? Did you run into him lately?"
"Um, the reason why Max ODed was because Danny abused him. And They ran into each other the other day, that's when he... You know what happened. But he threatened to hurt Max if he didn't do it." I said.
"That is a real reason to call the police, Sky. Why didn't you tell us?"
"To be honest, I forgot about Max, until I saw him and he said that Gee adopted him." I smiled shyly.
"I will definitely call them, now." he got out his phone and called the police while I called Gerard and told him to bring Max over.
The police came and asked me and Max several questions. Every Time I got uncomfortable, I would hug Bandit to calm me down. When they left, Andy laughed,
"I'm surprised that you didn't strangle that poor dog from hugging him so much."

I woke up in Pete's arms on the couch. I poked his chest, making him stir.
"You're impossible, babe." I struggled out of his grip.
"I know." he smirked and pulled me closer.
"What? I can't cuddle with my girlfriend?" I gave up and leaned on his chest.
"You can, but I'm hungry."
"I'll let you go. But you have to get me something and come back."
"Fine." I got up and put a few pieces of leftover pizza in the microwave and walked back to Pete with the food.
"This is why I love you." He kissed my cheek and took a slice.
"And I love you too." I giggled.
"Sky. You know that school is coming up soon, right?" Pete said as Bandit came and sat on the couch next to us.
"Yeah. But it starts in a month. I mean, it's July 21st and it starts in September."
"Yeah. What do you want to do today?" he asked
"I don't know. Can we invite Green Day over and we all chill out?"
"Sure. I would love to see them again." he said as the guys made their way downstairs.
"Is it alright if Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre come over?"
"Fine with me." Patrick said. After we ate breakfast, Patrick called Green Day.
An hour later, they came.
"Sky!" Mike shouted.
"Mikey!" I shouted back and hugged him.
"Hey, Sky. It's great to see you again." Billie Joe smiled and swung me around.
"You too, Billie."
"How you doing, kiddo?" Tre asked.
"Great." I fist bumped Tre.
"Who wants to go to the movies?!" Billie asked like a maniac. We all shouted yes. We piled in Tre's car and went to the movies.
"Hell Yea!"

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