Chapter 19

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Pete rocked me in his lap. Leon, David, and Joey sat across from us on the hallway.
"I'm sorry, guys." I wiped my tears.
"Don't worry about it. We need to get Spencer to take Neil out." Joey smiled. That made me laugh.
"He does need a punch in the face, a kick where the sun doesn't shine." Everyone laughed with me.
"You said that earlier today too." Joey said.
"Yeah. That's when Neil tried to go home with me." Pete looked at me.
"I told him that he is stupid for thinking that. And for calling my friends' emos."
"Well, we will never die." David joked.
"True." the front door opened and the familiar voice rang through the house.
"I'm homeeee" Gerard walked up the steps.
"Uncle Gee. It's so good to see you." I hugged him.
"How's my Sky doing?" he hugged me back.
"Great. Where's the guys?"
"I'm in here!" Frank yelled from the kitchen. The guys and I ran there. Ray and Frank were there. Mikey, Max, and a girl that I didn't want to see were in the living room.
"Max, can I talk to you?" I took him out to the pool.
"How could you? You know the history between me and Natalie. You brought her to my house. I'm already having a bad day." I growled at him.
"She begged me. I know about you dating her a couple years ago. But she freaking stalks me."
"Can I kill her?" I seethed.
"I wish." I rolled my eyes and went to the recording room.
"What's wrong?" Mikey followed me downstairs.
"That girl, Natalie, I hate her."
"May I ask why?"
"About 2 years ago me and her were dating. I regret it. She dumped me for a guy and she talked about me behind my back. I want to kill her. It doesn't help that she stalks Max." he sat next to me.
"I can tell that you've had a rough day."
"I can help get her out." he smirked. I nodded. He took me upstairs.
"Where is Natalie?" I asked Leon.
"In the bathroom." I walked to my room. Pete was in a corner while Natalie was talking to him.
"I want you to kick her out. You don't love her." she yelled.
"Natalie, what are you doing in my room?" I asked her.
"I thought this was Pete's."
"We share it."
"Sorry, Natalie. But Sky's dad says that she already has 4 friends over. No more can be here, so you have to go home." Mikey said, standing next to her.
"No I don't." I growled and tackled her. I punched her.
"That's for talking about me. That's for cheating on me. That's for being a perra." Pete and Mikey pulled me off her.
"Sky. Calm down.."
"How can I? She deserved it."
"And you deserve to go back to the orphanage." she walked out of the house.
"I'm going to the creek. I'm sorry, guys." I apologized to my bandmates and ran to the woods.

Adopted by Fall Out Boy 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें