Chapter 11

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After the movie, we went to eat at Applebee's. We sat at a large table and a waitress came to us.
"I'm Veronica, and I'll be your waitress tonight. What can I get you to drink?" She kept eyeing Pete. He held my hand and squeezed it. We told her our order and she walked away.
"She kept looking at you." I said and leaned on him. Mike put his arm around me and smiled,
"You have to get used to it." I sighed. Veronica came back with our drinks.
"Do you know what you want to eat?" we ordered. She whispered something in Pete's ear.
"Sorry, lady. I got someone else." he smiled. She flipped her hair and stormed off.
"What did she do?" Billie Joe looked confused.
"She wanted my number and a date with me. I'm already taken by the best girl in the world." he kissed my forehead. I blushed. We ate and left.
"What do you want to do now?" Tre asked.
"Well, this kiddo has school in a month. So might as well register her." We got in the car and went to the high school.
"How may I help you?" a lady said. She looked like she was in her 40s and she had glasses and she was wearing a flowered dress.
"I would like to register my daughter for senior year.'' The lady handed him some paperwork to fill out. I sat on the couch with Pete, Mike, Tre, and Billie. The rest sat on the other couch. Patrick filled out the papers and gave them to the lady. We walked around the school and then went home.

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