Chapter 25

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Frank's point of view

I sat with Sky, holding her. We went to her room, I got her to sit down and I went downstairs.
"Pete, Patrick. Sky had a breakdown. I walked in the bathroom and saw her about to cut." They looked frightened and Pete raced upstairs. When I got back to her room, he was holding her tight.

Sky's point of view

Pete combed his hand through my hair, he whispered,
"I will be right back." I watched him get off the bed. Patrick walked in.
"Hey, kiddo."
"Hey, dad." I smiled.
"Are you alright? Frank told me you had a breakdown tonight."
"I'm fine now." he sat next to me.
"I'm just making sure."I sat up and hugged him. He hugged me back.
"I love you, Sky baby."
"I love you too, Patrick." I ruffled his hair. He kissed my forehead. Pete came back in.
"We are going to watch a movie, would you like to join?""Sure." Patrick laid on the other side of me. Pete picked The Jungle Book.
"Gotta love Disney." Patrick and I said in unison. Pete pulled me to him and Patrick just stared intently at the movie. How a 31 year old can watch this movie and recite every line boggles the mind.
"How do you know this movie so well?" I asked him.
"Watched it since I was a kid."
"That means you're old." he just smiled and shook his head.

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