Chapter 16

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David was in all my classes. It was really fun, having a friend in all your classes. I even met some of his friends, Joey and Leon. At the moment, we are sitting at lunch.
"So, Sky. Do you play anything?" Leon asked me.
"Yeah. I play bass guitar and drums. Why?"
"We are making a band. David is the guitarist, I'm the singer and rhythm guitarist, and Joey is the drummer. We only need a bass player, and none of us can play it." he chuckled.
"Well, I would be honored to join your band. One question."
"What's up?" Joey took one of my disgusting fries.
"What is the name of the band?"
"We are still working on it. If you have any ideas, tell us."
As we kept talking, a boy from the football team and his girlfriend walked to us.
"Awe. Look, it's the emos and the gay couple." the boy smirked, I glared at them.
"What are you looking at, ugly? You should stop eating and lose some weight." the girl snapped at me. I didn't even think about crying, because Gerard always told me something that I was going to recite to them.
"If I'm ugly, then I'll stay ugly. I know I may not be perfect, but my friends think so. And if you think I'm ugly, you're just jealous." I smiled sweetly at her. She just pulled her boyfriend away from us. I turned back to my group, Leon was crying on David's shoulder. I raised an eyebrow at David.
"You heard how she said gay couple?" Joey nudged me.
"Well, that's them. They got picked on in 7th grade for coming out. Then they hooked up with each other last year. I was their only friend to support them." he told me.
"Not anymore. Now you guys have another friend." I grinned.
"Thanks, Sky." David hugged me. A little later, the bell rang and I had the band next, so did they.
Besides the instruments that they play for their band, David plays trumpet, Joey plays drums (not surprised) and Leon plays french horn, while I play trombone. Yes, I have been practicing over the summer since my birthday.
Finally, after dealing with the boring teachers and annoying bullies, the school day was over.

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