Chapter 23

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Tuesday after school

Leon, Joey, David, Jesse, and I walked to my house.
"What song are we going to do?" I asked them.
"Can I make a suggestion?" Jesse said.
"Go." we said.
"Do you guys know how to play All I Want by A Day To Remember?"
"I can play the rhythm guitar part, but I can't sing it. Sky, can you?"
"Yeah. Jesse, I gave you lessons on the bass, how well can you play?"
"I can play that song, if you are wondering."
"Ok. She will accompany me on the bass, only because it is hard to play the bass and scream."
"I see your point." I unlocked the front door and we went to the basement.
After a couple hours of practicing, they left and Joe finished making dinner, pasta with garlic bread.
"What are you guys playing?" Andy asked me.
"All I Want by A Day To Remember. I'm going to sing it and Jesse is going to help me play the bass."
"Cool. I played in that video." Pete smirked and kissed my cheek.
"I know. And I'm also going to do a solo act. It is going to be a surprise."
"Awe. But I don't like surprises." Joe pouted.
"Tough luck." I put my plate in the sink and went to

Talent show

We pulled up to the school.
"You'll do great, darling. I know that." Pete kissed my forehead.
"You know that feeling when you were so excited with adrenaline before, then when it gets to the big moment you wanna back down?" Joey asked.
"Yeah. We all do at concerts." Andy said the rest of us nodded. We got out and walked in the auditorium.
"What is your act?" the principal asked us.
"Emos Never Die. A Day To Remember All I Want cover." She let us backstage so we could get ready. We were the second act then my solo was last.
Some kids on stage now were rapping a Drake song I think.
"Our act is better." Leon whispered and we agreed.
It was our turn, Jesse and I were standing towards the end of the stage. We looked and nodded at each other then we started playing.
I was singing and screaming and playing with the others. I thought I would be scared, but I had so much adrenaline in me, nothing mattered.
I looked around at other kids' parents, some had disgust on their faces, others were rocking out.
We finished the song and walked off.
"We nailed it!" We all hi-fived.
"That was amazing!" Patrick said and hugged us.
"Thanks, Dad." I smiled. Pete smiled back at me.
"I told you that you would do great."
"Yeah. Yeah. I know, it was my last minute doubt." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled.
Everyone played their act, then it was my solo act.

I walked out on stage with just a microphone.
I thought of the song that I was going to sing. It was practically me speaking my thoughts.
I sang the whole song, even though I teared up at the end.
I went off stage and ran into Pete's arms.
"Baby, look at me. That was beautiful."
"If you say so." I shrugged. They laughed and the principal went on stage to announce the winners.
"In third place is Adartia with The Weeknd's I Can't Feel My Face." a girl walked on stage and got her small trophy.
"In second place is Bobby with his magic act." a boy came on stage and did the same as the girl.
"In first place, we have a tie, Emos Never Die with A Day To Remember's All I Want and Sky Stump with Cyndi Lauper's True Colors." We looked at each other and literally ran on the stage.
The prize was, of course, a trophy and a $150 visa gift card. We walked back to the guys.
"That's awesome, guys." Everyone hugged us. As we walked out, many parents were giving us disapproving looks because I was on Pete's back, Jesse was on Joe's, Leon was on Andy's, and Joey was on Patrick's. David was holding our prizes.
"Hey, I just want to apologize and ask if you wanted to hang out-." I cut Neil off.
"I don't accept your apology. And no. I've got someone, thank you very much." We kept walking.
"You so wanted to punch him." David spoke my mind.
"Yes, yes I did. But, I didn't. Someone will though." We laughed and made our way to my house.

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