Chapter 22

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Around 4, Joey, David, and Leon left. Finally Patrick came home, but he had a girl with him, I'm guessing Elisa.
"Sky, I want you to meet my girlfriend Elisa. Elisa, this is my daughter Sky."
"Hi." she turned away and didn't reply. Rude.
"Night, guys. I'm going to bed." Pete walked upstairs with me. Gerard and Mikey came too.
"What's wrong?" Gerard asked.
"Did any of you see how she ignored me? I said 'hi' and she just started talking to Dad before I could say anything."
"I saw that. So rude." Mikey said.
"Agreed." Pete pulled me in his lap.
"I have a funny feeling about this girl." I told them.
"Only time will tell."
"Yeah." Gee and Mikey left so Pete and I could sleep.
"Goodnight, sweetheart." he kissed my neck.
"Night, Peter Pan." I giggled and let sleep take over me.

Lunch on Monday

I was sitting at the table with my bandmates when a girl with purple hair and septum piercing sat with us. She was Leon's sister, Jesse.
"Hey, Jess. What's up?" I asked her.
"Did you hear that they are doing a talent show?" We looked at each other.
"No. But we are joining." David smiled.
"Of course I'm in the band, but I also want to do a solo act, if that's alright. Tonight Patrick's girlfriend is coming to my house and he said that you guys can't come over, sorry." I told them.
"It's fine, we go to your house everyday. Anyways, we have to study for a test in math."
"Yeah, I took that today." I smirked.
We walked outside the school and went our separate ways.
"See you guys tomorrow." I waved and walked in my house.
"Guys, I'm home!" there was a note saying that they were at the store. I went to my room, expecting Bandit to come to me, but he wasn't there. I searched everywhere, no sign of him.
When the guys came home, I was freaking out.
"Sky, what happened?" Pete asked me.
"Bandit. Where. Is. He?" I breathed out. Everyone was confused, Elisa went to Patrick's room.
"We'll look for him, don't worry." Andy assured me. I went to the basement and walked around.
I heard a yelp from the closet. I opened it, Bandit was there! He had a muzzle on and was cramped in there. Who would do this?
I got Bandit out and carried him to my room.
"Where did you find him?" Pete asked me. I closed my door so no one could hear.
"I found him in the basement closet." Pete picked him up and put him on the bed. I sighed and leaned on him.
"It's alright, babe. Want to go to Hot Topic with Joe and Andy, we both need some more band merch." he joked and kissed my ear.
"Shh. Listen." we were quiet when we heard,
"Baby, why don't me and Sky have a girl's night out tomorrow?" Dad's girlfriend asked.
"Elisa, she isn't that comfortable with you yet. And she has plans with her friends." he told her. I sighed and went to the living room with Pete.
"Hey, Dad. Pete, Joe, Andy and I are going to the mall.""Ok. You are going to practice with your band tomorrow, right?" Patrick's eyes had hope in them."Yeah. In fact, I have to practice with them all this week because there is the talent show coming up." I told him."Ok. Have fun with the guys." We walked out the door. We got to the mall and ran to Hot Topic."What about this?" Andy asked me. It was an oversized Of Mice & Men hoodie."Awesome!" I smiled.We bought like 1/4 of the store before we went home. Andy was driving, Joe was in the passenger seat and Pete and I were in the back. I leaned on Pete and slowly let sleep come to me.

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