Chapter 17

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We were sitting outside the school, waiting for the people to pick us up. Leon was calling his mom to see what was taking so long when Joe pulled up.
"Hey, since Leon's mom is taking a long time, want my uncle to drop you guys off or come hang out with us?" I know it was risky since I didn't tell them I was Patrick's daughter and they didn't see Joe yet.
"Sure." We got in the car. I was in the front while Joey, Leon and David piled in the back.
"Who are these guys?" Joe asked.
"Joe, meet my friends. This is Joey, Leon, and David. Guys, meet my uncle, Joe." their jaws dropped to the ground.
"You are related to Joseph Trohman?!" they said in unison.
"Yeah. But, please, treat me normally." he smiled.
"Since my friends are here, you have to take us for ice cream. Especially after today."
"Someone say ice cream?" Leon's head shot up from his phone.
"Yep. Princess Fro Fro over here is taking us." They guys cheered.
"No telling Patrick either, he will be mad that we didn't get him any."
"Same with Pete." he nodded and turned on the radio, 'Drown' by BMTH was playing.
"You guys ok with this?" Joe asked.
"We love rock and pop punk and stuff like that." We pulled up to the ice cream place. We ordered and sat down. It was very hard to find a spot without fangirls, so we ate in the car.
"Hey, Sky. Is it true that Pete is the emo king?" David asked.
"Oh my god, yes." Joe and I said simultaneously.
"You will not believe how many times i caught him putting on eyeliner for no reason." I laughed.
"You live with him?"
"Of course. The band lives together."
"I think that we better get to the house before Andy sends a search party."
"Already sent him a text, he will keep our little stop a secret." I said.
"This is why Andy is my best friend." Joe laughed.
"And this is why I ship Jandy." we giggled.
"And Petetrick." David jumped in.
"Eh, not really" I said.
"You will find out." we got out of the car and I ran in the house.
"Guys, I'm home!" I shouted. Pete was the first one to get to me.
"How was school?" he asked.
"Better than I thought. I made 3 friends, they are getting out of the car now." when I said that, they walked in the house. Patrick and Andy walked downstairs, together, so I had to do this.
"Dad, why were you making out with Andy upstairs? That's supposed to be Joe's job." Pete and I laughed uncontrollably. Soon my friends and Joe did too. When I was done, I patted Patrick's back, letting him know I was only joking. Soon we were sitting on the couch laughing at something Joey said.
"Sky, can you tell us why you do not support Petetrick?" Leon asked. I looked at Pete and he kissed my lips.
"That's why."
"Um, babe?" Pete looked confused.
"Yeah, Pete?"
"Why do your lips taste like chocolate ice cream?" he smirked.
"They had it at school." I lied.
"That's not what a little birdie told me." I playfully glared at Andy.
"Don't look at me, he had my phone." I facepalmed. Leon laughed,
"Well, now we know that you are with Pete. That's awesome."
"Guys, can we use your band equipment?" I gave them puppy eyes.
"What are you going to do?" Patrick raised his eyebrows.
"They are starting a band, I want to see how good they are before I join them as their bassist."
"Ok. But if you break anything, you're paying."
"You can watch us if you want." David said. We walked to the basement, where the music room is.
"Babe, can I use your bass?" he nodded. We got in our places when Joey asked,
"What cover do you want to play?"
"Do you guys know how to play 'One Day' by Simple Plan." they nodded. We started playing and Leon started singing. By habit, I sang the back up vocals that the bassist David sings.
"That was really good, and sounds way better with the bass guitar now." David chuckled.
"Yeah, that was really good. I don't think that Fall Out Boy can do better." I winked at Pete.
"Is that a challenge? Because we accept." as Pete took the bass, I kissed his cheek.
"You aren't that good at Simple Plan songs, baby." I whispered to him.
"You wish." he scoffed. They started playing. When they were, Also, I made Patrick record us playing and I recorded them. We all watched the recordings, everyone was bickering about it.
"Let's see what the internet says."
"You did not!" Leon looked horrified.
"On the contrary, I did. Upload it to YouTube I mean. What is the band's name?"
"We don-." I cut off David.
"I have an idea, but they have to agree. How about Emos Never Die?" They smiled.
"Ok. Tomorrow, look up Fall Out Boy vs. Emos Never Die."

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