Chapter 13

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"What's wrong, Jacob?" I asked him.
"Nothing. I'm going outside." he left. I facepalmed.
"What's the matter?" Joe looked confused.
"I forgot that Jacob liked me. When I sat with Pete, he glared at me."
"Well, he should know that you are taken." Patrick said.
"I know. I'm going to talk to him." I walked out.
"Jacob?" He was sitting on the side of the pool.
"What? Why don't you go back to your boyfriend."
"Jake, stop it. Just because I'm dating him, doesn't mean that you're not my best friend, along with Max." I sat next to him.
"Yeah. But I've been with you all our lives, I understand you. Now you're with him, a famous bassist who doesn't understand anything about you." he growled at me.
"Alright, you want to play that card. Since the last time I saw you, I've changed. And if you want to keep yelling at me like that, get out." I pointed to the door.
"Sky, I'm sorry. My mouth got the best of me. I'm sorry." he whispered, tears coming from his eyes.
"It's ok. Just don't yell at me about this." he nodded and I went inside.
"Is he alright?" Pete asked me.
"Yeah. He yelled it out, but said he was sorry." I replied. Jacob walked back in and sat on the couch next to Joe.
"How ya doin', bud?" Joe asked.
"Nothin' much." he shrugged.
"I'm going to play my bass, babe."
"Ok. I'll come with you." he followed me. I walked in and grabbed my bass.
"Where are you going?"
"The roof." I said in a 'duh' voice. I sat on the roof and started playing Saturday. When it came to the part, Pete screamed.
"Wow. You've been practicing." I saw Andy sit next to us.
"Yeah, I have. But I give credit to Pete." I saw him blush. We got back in my room and Andy slung me over his shoulder.
"Andy! What the heck?"
"Patrick and I have a surprise for you. Pete is involved, so he and Patrick will get it ready while you hang out with Joe and I at the mall." he smiled.
"Fine. See you later, Pete. I love you."
"Love you too, babe." Andy carried me to the car, Joe on his heels.

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