Chapter 2

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I woke up at 3:40am to the sound of my alarm clock ringing and I turned it off before it could wake Sky up. I rolled outta bed, took a shower and I was out by 4:00am. I went to get my phone off the dresser before I picked out my clothes. I was about to turn on my music but My phone started buzzin' and August's name showed up. I hesitated to answer because it was already 4:00 and I still had get Sky ready but I answered anyways.

"Hey August" I whispered a little because of my morning voice. I grabbed a black sports bra, a white lace thong, some black and white tights, some white footies, and a pair of Jordans.

"What's good ma? You up early." He said and I heard some shifting so he must still be in bed.

"I gotta go to spaces at 5, choreograph some girls. What's up?" I asked gettin' Sky some clothes together. I laid her out a pair of black and white shorts, a black t-shirt, and some black and white Keds.

"Nothin' I jus' wanted to halla' at chu' ma. See what you up to, I been missin' you lately."

"Aug, I'm sorry but I really gotta go. You gonna be busy around 3?" I put on my clothes then picked up Sky and undressed her then dressed her in her outfit for today.

"Nah, you wanna meet up at Chandra House? The kids been askin' about Sky lately so they'll get ta' see her."

"Okay, I'll see you there. Bye"

"Bye" I hung up the phone, threw it on the bed, and grabbed the hair box from the bathroom. I brushed the top of Sky's hair up into a ponytail and left the rest down making sure not to hurt her or wake her up. I'll let her brush her teeth and eat something when we get to the space, we don't have much time to do anything since I woke up so late. I threw my hair up into a neater ponytail than it was in, grabbed my purse, phone, mini speaker, and Sky then headed out to the garage. I opened the backseat door and put Sky in her carseat, lying her head on the small pillow so she wouldn't get a crook in her neck. I strapped her in, closed the door and went around to the driver's side to get in the car. I turned the key in the ignition, the engine turned over and I pulled out of the garage going towards the nearest McDonald's to get me and Sky some breakfast. On the way there I started to think of some routines that may go along with the songs that I have to choreograph. There's "Post To Be", "Private Show", and "Lost In Ya Love". I know I'll be judging and pressuring the girls hard during their routine for "Private Show" because it's such a sensual song and you have to be able to show the sexual tension through your dancing. Today I'm only gonna cover the routine to "Post To Be". I pulled up at the drive thru speaker and ordered two Sausage McGriddles with an Orange juice and a water.

"Sky!" I yelled into the backseat and she opened one of her eyes as I poured her orange juice into her Powerpuff Girls sippy cup. I gave her the cup and she immediately popped up to drink her juice. I wasn't gonna give her this McGriddle yet cause she'll waste it all on the seats. I pulled out of Mikey D's and road further down the block, then turned right to get on Toledano St. The place wasn't that hard to find mainly because its at the end of the block but also because there were almost 600 girls standing outside of the building. I checked the clock on my radio and it read 4:40am. I parked the car, got out and let Sky out after she unstrapped herself. We entered the building and I looked around for a bit noticin' that it held alotta space while Sky ran off to a table to eat her food. I walked over to the front door of the building and unlocked it for the girls to come in. I'm gonna do cuts before we even start with the routine.

"Aight come on in and locate ya'selves to tha' middle of tha' flo'. Partna' in two's." I announced steppin' out of the doorway, walkin' over to the table with Sky and sittin' on the edge of it swinging my legs. The girls all spread out and held the hand of their partner, its good that they all possess proper dancer etiquette. "Okay, so the first cuts of today will be right now. If-"

GhettoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora