Chapter 17

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Three Months Later


"I love y'all so much! Thank you for having me!" The platform descended, leading me backstage. After a few seconds of waving goodbye to the massive crowd before me, Curt came into view ready to escort me to my dressing room. As soon as I stepped off of the platform Skylar ran to me and jumped into my arms. I couldn't help but shed a tear and hug her as close as I could. Once we pulled apart I kissed her cheek and let Curt know that I was ready to head to my dressing room by latching onto his arm. The atmosphere backstage was frantic to say the least. Luckily the hallway that we were led down wasn't jumping crazy like the others.

"You have a few friends who wanted to see you after your performance. Do you want me to send them in or..." Curt spoke once we reached the dressing room and he proceeded to unlock the door and open it, letting us in.

"Give us 5." Skylar slid out of my arms and onto the floor, running over to the couch to watch TV. Curt closed the door and I occupied myself by changing into something more comfortable.

After the whole fiasco with August, I ended up talking to Chris about my music and he invited me on tour with him for a few shows. Tonight was the last of 5 shows that I would be performing and the feeling I got from being in front of the large crowd was unexplainable. It felt like I was living the American Dream, but from here my career can only get better or worst. Dreux and his friend Safaree helped me produce my whole album and they were quite certain that every song that I wrote would top the charts. I ended up not finishing my recording to my song Exchange, but I did finish writing it and I gave it to an upcoming artist named Bryson Tiller. He did an amazing job with it so I insisted that he keep all of the profits from the song. Against my wishes, he sends me checks every other week with 40% of the earning he gets from the song. With all of this going on I decided to let Skylar go to school with Dreux's son Kam so that she would at least know one person at school.

"Girl! You was poppin' tonight. I was just like yasssssss that's my biiiiitch, sang girl yeesssssssuh!" Candace cheered as she entered the room. She hugged me then went and grabbed Skylar from the couch.

"Mhmm you sanged betta dan da'y. I was blowed away!" Sky commented making us both laugh hysterically.

"I was a little nervous but I killed that shit. Can't nobody tell me I didn't." I boasted. I snatched off my wig and peeled off the nude wig cap that was underneath it, ruffling my curls to perfection.

"Oh no honey, you did not." She shook her head.

"What?" I continued to apply edge control onto my edges and slick then down with my lucky toothbrush, holding them securely in place.

"New man, new hair! You know they say when a woman cuts her hair and colors it they ain't ever going back to they ex. Done got with Dreux and you just a whole new you."


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