Chapter 3

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"Da'y get em, him ova there! Don't let him shoot you da'y!" Sky screamed jumpin' up and down and pointin' to the screen. She woke me up at 10 this mornin' askin' me to play the game so she could watch so I made us some waffles and we been... Well I been playin' Call of Duty for almost three hours. I didn't go to sleep until almost 4 in the mornin', my mind was just racin'. I was thinkin' about some song lyrics, plans for Sky and I for the week, but my main focus was Haze. I couldn't get my mind off'a that girl for nothin'. After Sky said what she said to me while I was washin' her hair I started to feel horrible. My baybeh not supposed to know that daddy and mommy not together but we been separated for so long that she can't help but notice. She's gettin' older and she's gettin' smarter so hidin' things aren't really an option with her.

"Ahhh man!" I shouted throwing down my controller and falling back against the couch.

"You gotta start all the way ova again! I told you shoot him da'y I did, I told you." Sky shook her head and took a sip of her orange juice from her sippy cup. I keep tellin' Hazel that she too damn old for a sippy cup but that don't stop her ass from buyin' em.

"What you wanna do now baybeh?" I asked as I rolled off of the couch and laid down next to her. One hand left her cup and went to play in my hair that was in a bun, which she was plannin' to mess up.

"I want to..." She started and looked up at the ceilin' as she thought of somethin' she wanted to do. "Ooh da'y I wanna go to Unca Reezy house." That's a good idea cause I ain't seen my nigga Chris in a while and I need to talk to him about all this shit with Hazel. But is Chris really the one I wanna get relationship advice from?

"You gotta go put on some clothes, you can't go ova there in daddy shirt." I told her and she put down her cup and pulled at the shirt of mine that she had on.

"Da'y I know him not gone have on no shirt. He ca' take me as I is." She said foldin' her arms lookin' down at me. She gotta attitude just like her damn mama, its finally comin' out.

"If you don't change we just ain't gone go nowhere." I propped up on my arm facing her with the same face she had.

"Well him can come ova hea and him go have to change." She tilted her head at me with a little duck face going on and I had no other objection because I know he'll come see his niece in a hurry.

"You got on some shorts?" I asked her as I started to get up to go get a shirt and my phone outta my room.

"Duh da'y, I a young lady." She said pickin' up her cup and getting up so she can follow me upstairs to the room.

"Well if you a young lady then you gotta put on some clothes, you can't let a man see you in your comfort zone unless y'all married. Remember that aight." She nodded and ran around me to her room. When I picked up my phone 1 new message flashed across my screen and it was from an unknown number. It gotta be from one of these hoes, the hoes that I told Haze I would stop messin' with. I didn't even read the message I just deleted it because in order to break this habit I gotta think with my first head, not the second. I dialed Chris' number and he answered on the second ring.

"Aug What's up?!" He chuckled in my ear and I immediately knew that Royalty was over there because he didn't say Nigga.

"Man we ova here chillin' you know, takin' a break from the life. What y'all ova there doin'?" I asked pullin' out a plain white button down, a pair of jeans, and some white Nikes from my closet.

"Same damn thing y'all doin' ova there. Where my baby at?" I rolled my eyes and put the phone on speaker then sat it on the bed while I pulled on my pants.

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