Chapter 15

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"Hey." I spoke as I approached Dreux. I had to lie to August in order to get out of the house this morning. He was being extra clingy after last night, which is completely understandable. So while I sat here I couldn't help but feel guilty on the inside.

"How you doin' beautiful?" He smiled, getting up from his seat on the park bench to wrap me up in his arms.

"I'm amazing. What about you?" I replied hugging him back just as tight

"I'm cool, ya feel me." He grabbed one of my hands, caressing the back of it with his thumb. "What happened last night?"

"Something came up." I muttered, looking down at our hands.

"Y'all must've fucked after everybody left." He snickered, causing me to snatch my hand away from him. "Don't get offended, just be honest with me."

"Well we didn't, I had to take care of something for my aunt." I lied. He stared me down for a minute and each second the guilt piled up inside of me. "We had to break the car in."

"I know 'bout that. Already know." He chuckled, sitting down and relaxing in his seat.

"I didn't mean to have you waiting on me like that, I just made a promise to him and I don't break promises." I shrugged as I sat down close next to him.

"Its aight Haze."

"No, its not. I see you're trying hard and I keep blowing you off. I'd be pissed if I were you." I sighed, looking down at my feet.

"Look," he started, "As long as I see you tryin' and Imma be here. I'm down fa' you baybeh."

"Promise?" I asked as I held out my pinky.

"Really? We gotta do the pinky swear?" He snickered and I nodded.

"Yes, come on. Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." We locked our fingers, both blushing and smiling at each other from ear to ear.

"Thank you." I giggled, taking my hand away.

"Uhm, you busy tomorrow?" I nodded with a pout. I knew exactly what he was gonna ask and a date would be fun, but my responsibilities come first.

"I have to register Skylar for school and go into the studio for a while."

"Studio?" He questioned.


"What you cookin' up in thea mama?" He grinned, biting his lip and slyly wrapping his arm around me. I slid closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Honestly I don't even know. August told me that I should do something sexy instead of a love song but I think what I have is just fine. I don't want to come out as a hoe, but as a woman that every man wants." I told him as I pulled out my phone and pulled up the track to email it to him. Unlocking my phone I noticed that Dreux was also staring into my screen into the screen of my phone, meaning that he saw the 50 missed calls from August, Jeremih, Curt, and Ralph.

"If you need it I can help you and with the song. Most of the time when women debut in the music industry they have a Fierce and submissive or dominating demeanor. If you needed help exploring that... trust me I gotchu." Before I could be thankful for him not seeing all of the missed calls I became thankful and also accomplished when he put his lips on mine. It wasn't something that I had planned on letting happen but I was damn sure pleased with the way it felt. At this moment I didn't even care that we were in public anymore. I let my tongue explore his mouth feeling submissive to his touch but I also felt so dominating as I forced him to kiss me harder.
"Bitch you dirty as hell!" Candace cackled over the phone.

"It ain't like we together." I sassed back.

"Aye, being a hoe ain't that bad. Just be a safe hoe honey." Amber commented, coming to my defence.

"Watch the hoe bout to go get her lil pussy ate in the car with August then gone turn around and get fucked by Dreux on the park bench." April giggled.

"Yea yea yea, y'all can get off my dick. Especially you Candace, grinding all on Trav last night." On the way home I decided to start a group call with my girls because of course I couldn't hold water about the events of last night and this morning.

"And guess what that got me?" She replied with a know it all tone.

"What?" The rest of us asked in unison.

"Dick pics, and lemme tell you. Yo brother-in-law is-"

"See nah, I'll talk to y'all later ion wanna hear all that." I hung up the phone and continued driving down my block before turning in shortly after. As I pulled up further into the driveway I noticed that August's car was still home. It was very peculiar to me seeing that he told me that he would be busy today.

Brushing the feeling off, I got out of the car and locked it behind me as I made my way to the front door. Upon sticking the key into the lock of the door it swung wide open, causing my heart to beat rapidly. Sliding out of my shoes, I grabbed the bat that we always keep near the front door and moved quietly but swiftly up the stairs and down the hall to our bedroom. A small beam of light shined from underneath the bedroom door but the house was completely silent. The last time I faced a situation like this I found my brother, sister, and sister-in-law sprawled out on the bed covered in blood. This scene felt like complete deja-vu.

I breathed in deeply then pushed the door wide open.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Years babies!!

Short update? I know.

Cliff hanger? I know.

I been ghost lately? Well school is shitty and a bitch been busy. But I'm giving y'all a fair warning that I'm doing a time skip. A BIG time skip! This is only to lead my plot closer to the juicy parts that are coming. During my absence, I've been reading His Block by InkD_Roses. The shit is fucking lit I tell you!! If you could see my face like 😆😆 omg FUCKING LIT!! But anywho see y'all later imma try my damn hardest to come up with a schedule for updating. Love you peoples 😚😚!!

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