Chapter 8

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Baby Sky, Lu-Ma, Uncle Deon, Eli, Auburn, and Auburn's Guest in MM.


"Lord we come to you today to thank you for watching over our family and keeping us together, even when we didn't wanna be." As Ms.Lucinda lead us in prayer, I held onto Hazel and Sky's hand tightly, caressing them in-between. Not only did I miss her, I missed family moments like these.

"Some of our soldiers did not make it this far, but I know that they are here to guide us in spirit. Thank you for giving us this home to lie our heads down in and food on our table on this Sunday night in which we dedicate to you. Please continue to keep the Albrey and Alsina clan together for years to come as we praise your name. In the name of our Father, Lord, Savior, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

We all sat down, but before Haze sat down, I made sure to get me a handful of ass.

"Chill" She hissed, spanking my hand so I would move it.

"Dis mine you know dat right?" I asked, pulling my lip from in-between my teeth.

"Just pass me the chicken dude." She laughed. I put one wing of chicken on Sky's plate, a thigh and breast on mine, then I passed Haze the platter full of chicken. I fixed the rest of me and Sky's plate then we waited on everybody to finish fixing theirs before we started eating. I don't know why but I just didn't feel like I fit in the loop with Haze's sisters and brother. I mean I know they hate my ass, but if she put the past in the past then so should they. I'm not a bad guy, I'm human and I make mistakes just like any other person.

"Da'y" Sky tapped my arm until I looked down at her.

"Ma'am?" I scooped her up and put her in my lap and she clung to my shirt.

"Um...I...I have to go potty." She whispered in my ear, making me snicker.

"C'mon, let's go." I got up from the table and pushed my chair up. "I'm 'bout ta take Sky to the bathroom right quick, I'a be back."

I jogged up the steps and went to the master bathroom, passing by my old bedroom.

"I got it da'y, I'a be back." Sky told me, walking into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. While I waited on her I couldn't help but take a trip down memory lane. I found myself in my old room and I noticed that nothing has changed at all. It was still a hole in my wall from when I was pissed off at that bitch Michelle. In the back of my mind I wondered if Ms. Lucinda washed the sheets on the bed. The last time I laid down in that bed was when me and Haze made Sky. I swear that was a night to remember, but it was also the worst night of my life.

"Da'y I done now." Sky's light voice chirped from outside of the door. Instead of going downstairs in a hurry I decided to show her some things that were really important to me.

"C'mere baybeh, lemme show you some." I crouched down to her height, picked her up and put her on my neck. Thankfully the ceiling in this room wasn't low so her head didn't hit it. I picked up a picture frame from off of the dresser of me, Haze, and Sky at the hospital when she was born.

"I remember dis like it was yesterday." I ran my fingers across the glass cover to get rid of the dust then handed Sky the picture, "You know who dat is?" I asked her.

"You and mommy" She said sassily.

"I'm talkin' about the baybeh girl." I chuckled and she shrugged. "That's you."

"I was a lil baby." She gasped, holding the picture closer.

"You wanna keep that?" She nodded and handed me the frame. I took the picture out of the glass frame, folded it, and put it in the pocket of her overalls. "Don't lose it, aight mama?"

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