Chapter 6

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~April 16, 2010~


I made my way up the stairs ready to tell the love of my life that he is the love of my life. I've anticipated this moment for almost three years now. Since high school is almost over and I'm almost an adult, this is the perfect time to perform my first act as a true adult. I threw my purse onto my bed in my room then went down the hall to August's room. To my surprise, boxes were scattered all over the room and most of his possessions were in them.

"Oh Haze I'm glad you here. You can help me close some'a dese boxes." I turned around to August coming upstairs with duct tape and more cardboard boxes in his hands.

"What? You donating to the Salvation Army?" I asked, already knowing that this was far from the case, but one thing was boggling my mind. Where the hell was he going?

"Nah, just come help ma. I'a tell you lata'." He said, fixing up the boxes so I could tape the bottoms. Without another word I sauntered over to where he was, grabbed the tape and started taping. "You quiet. How was yo day?"

"I had a talk with Jay and Amber, they got they own apartments downtown from my mom's place." I said softly, waiting on him to tell me where all of his stuff was going. "What about you?"

"I talked to Ms.Lucinda. Shit really opened my eyes, you heard me? I'm thinkin' about going to college and all'a dat shit." He smiled with his teeth instead of grinning like he usually does.

"Really now? Well that explains the packin' then." I giggled and elbowed him in his bird chest. His defense was lying his head on my shoulder and taking a deep whiff of my Victoria's Secret perfume.

"Imma miss you Haze." He whispered before he handed me an envelope.

"What's this?" I tried not to frown or cry. Not only did I love August, I considered him as my best friend. If this letter held his future then I would be ecstatic for him, but for me it would be like the end of my world.

"Just open it." He lifted his head from my shoulder, urging me to open the envelope. As I ripped it open, time felt like it was going by so quickly, like years were passing before my eyes. Once it was open small, square pictures fell out onto the floor. Ultrasound pictures. I picked up the first one that was clear through my tears and looked at it for a matter of minutes, while August smiled at me out of the side of my eyes. My body jerked forward and I picked up the rest of them to look at in my shaking hands.

"Who do these belong to?" It became hard for me to speak with my heart pounding against my chest as hard as it was. I felt as if I was going to throw up right then and there.

"You gone be a Auntie Haze. That's my son."

"Yo son?" I asked in disbelief and he nodded. "Yo son with..."

"Michelle" As the name left his mouth I continued to shake my head, hoping that this was some sort of dream or joke. I felt...a feeling that I've felt before, a feeling that hurt like hell. It was a mix between betrayal and disappointment. I was disappointed because he still went and fucked with that bitch even after I told him that she done fucked everything that is alive with a penis.

I looked at him through the tears that blurred my vision; I didn't see my best friend no more. I didn't see the imperfect guy that I had somehow fallen in love with. I saw somebody that was easily influenced by his environment and easily persuaded by pussy. Somehow this person still had a strong hold on my heart even after telling me that the enemy was carrying his seed. Somehow I was still in love with this idiot like everything was still perfect.

"That's not....y-you really believe that's yo baby?" I chuckled, trying to mask the anger that was building up.

"I don't think that's my baybeh, I know that's my baybeh." He replied as I rose to my feet, throwing down the pictures and tape. Before I put my hands on him, I left his room and went down the hall into my own. He trailed behind me as I sped up and went into my closet.

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