Chapter 16

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I knew this shit was a bad idea from the moment that she stepped on my doorstep. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? What the fuck do I say? How do I convince her that what she just saw wasn't what it was? For a moment my world stopped and transformed into a crazy ass ghetto lifetime movie. Lisa looked like she was staring into the eyes of the devil as he told her that she would burn in hell for eternity. Her shoes and purse clutched tightly against her chest, preparing to evacuate as quick as she could. Hazel stood ground in front of Lisa's only exit. My conscience continued to tell me that I'd be the next nigga killed by his baby's mama on Snapped. By the look on Haze's face, it wasn't hard to believe.

"There's no going back from this point." I told myself, deciding to press play and reconcile this fucked up situation that I had gotten myself into.

"The fuck is this bitch doin' hea'?!" Hazel yelled looking back and forth between me and Lisa.

"Look Haze chill lemme explain." I spoke, carefully approaching her.

"Nah you shut the fuck up! You bringing hoes into this house?!" Hazel yelled with her eyes still locked on Lisa.

"Who you callin' a hoe?!" Lisa aggressively dropped everything outta her hands and stepped towards Hazel, which was her worst decision.

"Bitch you better watch what you say to me cause I'm feelin' real motha' fuckin' froggy right now!" Haze dropped the bat and knocked Lisa back after hitting her with her shoulder and closing the space between them. Before shit got outta hand, I pushed Lisa away from Hazel and stood in-between them. My plan backfired as Haze tried climbing over me to hit Lisa. She was almost successful, gladly I pulled her away in time.

"Yo Haze chill yo ass out!" I growled trapping her in a corner.

"Get the fuck off'a me! I'll fuck yo ass up too! I pay the bills up in the bitch and you bring this corny ass hoe in here! You fuckin' her again?!" She asked, trying her best to push me off of her.

"Again? Bitch you sound fucking pathetic!" Lisa insulted her as she laughed hysterically.

"Say some else, I swear to God I'll fuckin' kill yo stupid ass. Get yo hoe Aug before I fuck her up." Instead of trying to get out of the corner to hit Lisa, Haze took out her aggression on me. Without a doubt, her punches were killing my chest, face, and shoulders but I had to endure it until I got Lisa out of the house.

"Lisa leave, now." I pleaded her in a stern tone.

"August, I ain't gotta go nowhere." Lisa retorted, folding her arms. All she was doing was trying to get more of a rise out of Haze but that shit was stupid and childish on her part. I wouldn't be able to help her if Hazel got her hands on that girl.

"Get the fuck out Lisa shit!" My voice echoed throughout the house momentarily.

"You know what, fuck you August." She scoffed and picked up her things. As she left the room Hazel's​ eyes burned holes through her. I waited until I heard the front door open and close until I stepped out of Haze's way. I closed our bedroom door and turned my attention back to her. To my surprise she wasn't crying or packing her things, she was actually sitting on the foot of the bed with her legs crossed and her eyes dead set on me.

"Haze we ain't have sex." The first words that came to my mind escaped from my lips as quick as she jumped up from the bed and wrapped her hands around my neck.

"You think that shit okay?! I'll fuckin' kill you August!" She spoke through gritted teeth, pushing me up against the door. We fought against each other for a moment as I tried to get her to release my neck before she caused me to gasp for air. In the struggle she clawed at my neck and face, then in return I grabbed her arms pushing her back onto the bed.

"You ain't killin shit! Nah stop all'at damn fightin and talk ta me! I done told yo ass that I ain't fuck ha, what the fuck else you want me to say?!" I got down on my knees to look at her face to face.

"What do I want you to say?" Her voice escaped her lips as a whisper. One teardrop rolled down her cheek as she shook her head and began laughing. "I don't want you to say shit, but I got somethin' to say."

"I'm listenin'." I went to place my hands on her waist but as my hands moved to touch her, she was in motion and moving towards the door. I followed cautiously behind her as she switched down the hallway in her sneakers with the metal baseball bat that she had earlier.

"After all this shit that I done been through with you, I feel like I deserve just a little bit more than coming home to see some bitch straddling a nigga that claims to be mine." Her voice echoed throughout the house along with the loud thud the bat made when it hit the ground as she drug it down the stairs.

"And baby that bitch don't mean shit to me, what you saw-"

"So to make up for that void feeling that I feel right now from this and all of the other bullshit that I done put up with from you, I'm just gonna make you feel the same void." Almost faster than the speed of light, the bat collided with the my Platinum album plaque for "No Love (Remix)" that was hanging on the wall.

Black out


"Fuck all this music shit! You think I give a fuck about a album plaque?!"  I screamed, pointing my bat at his face.

"Aye chill the fuck out!" He August shouted before grabbing my arm and shoving me away from the wall with the rest of his awards.

"Don't touch me bitch!" I pushed him back just as hard without thinking.

"Who the fuck you callin' a bitch?! You betta' be glad we ain't back in New Orleans!" He chuckled angrily as he shook his head and towered over me. I'd usually be afraid of him during times like this, but this time I don't feel any kind of fear.

"You August! You are the biggest bitch I've ever met. Every little threat you make don't scare me cause you ain't gone do shit!" Before he could respond, I took the opportunity to dash outside. With every step, I checked over my shoulder and saw that he was right on my tail.

"Yo August!" Jeremih called out to August from his post on the front porch. His eyes shot to me and saw my position next to August's new car; he knew exactly what was about to happen.

As my bat flew out of my hands and made an impact with the front window pane, the glass shattered into dozens of small pieces.

"That's how I feel about them bitch ass threats!" I yelled at August, who looked to be on a killing spree the way he was approaching me.

"I'll fuck yo ass up." He mumbled through his teeth, grabbing my face and pressing me up against the metal gate on the driveway entrance, causing me to choke him in return.

"August chill!" Jeremih grabbed onto his waist and struggled to pull him away from me. As I reached out to hit him I realised that I was being thrown over Curt's shoulder. Before they could pull us completely apart, I took a chance and threw out a kick, oblivious to where it connected.

"I wish I ain't never have a baby by you! I swear on my life, I hate you! You ain't shit August!" I cried out of the car as Curt tried to push me in.

"Fuck all that shit you sayin'. I bet you'll never find a nigga that's better than me! You ain't shit without me!" He shouted over his shoulder.


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