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I woke up to a quiet knock on my door. My eyes were burning and my cheeks felt really sticky from all of the salt dried on them.

I sat up in bed, my duvet still wrapped around my legs. I rubbed my face with my hands and then ran them through my hair all the way to the back of my neck.

"Yeahcomein" I mumbled. My voice sounded all weird and I didn't like it one bit. The back of my throat was burning as I was speaking.

The door opened and Phil walked in with a cup in his hands. The smell of coffee spread around the room and I inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent.

He smiled at my reaction and sat on the edge of my bed, handing me the cup. I gladly accepted it and immediately lifted it towards my mouth.

"Be careful, it's still hot" he said.

It was too late, because I already took a sip and flinched away as I burned my tongue.

"Yeah you could've told me that before I burned myself" I said sarcastically.

He looked down and bit his lip. "Dan, I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry, I didn't actually mean it" I said and put the cup down to my bedside table.

"What? Oh nonono, not about the hot coffee... Well I'm obviously sorry about that to, but I just wanted to-"

"You're blabbing" I cut him off and smiled at him while tilting my head to the side.

"Oh. Sorry." He said, fiddling with his fingers.

I let out a quiet chuckle. "You're sorry too much."

He looked up to me, with tears in his eyes, but then quickly looked back down at his fingers.

"Look, Dan, I just want to..." He started "I just want explain everything. I'm so so sorry about everything that happened, I really am, just please, can listen to me?" He asked, expecting a rejection.

"Go on." I said and watched his face light up. A smile creeped onto my face too.

I was finally going to understand everything about what happened.



I told him everything. About the day when she first kissed me, about the day when she broke into our house, about the gun, about the party, and all about my running away. He didn't interrupt me once, he just kept listening and nodding at every sentence that I said.

When my eyes started tearing up and I started endlessly blabbering and apologizing, he just took my hands into his, drawing patterns at the back of them with his thumb gently, which he knew calmed me down.

I was happy that he kept listening, making everything so much easier.

"So... You ran away?" He asked after I finished telling him the whole story.

"Pretty much, yeah" I answerd shyly.

"Do you know that you put yourself, and
me, in big danger? Why did you do that?"

I bit my lip. "Fuck, I missed you" I said. "I know that it was a selfish thing to do, but if I waited even longer, you wold be dead."

"But you literally put your own life in risk now. You know that she's a psychopath, you know that! She might even be on her way here right now!"

I looked up at him and sighed. "You're just so much more important than that to me." I said. And I meant it.

We looked at eachother for a few seconds, and then he grabbed me by my waist, pulling me closer and crashing our lips together. I immediately put my hands on on either side of his neck, tangling my fingers into the hair behind his ears. I climbed onto his lap, putting my legs on either side of his hips.

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