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"What do you think we will see at the park?" Harry asked for like the hundredth time since we got to the airport in Costa Rica.

"Dinosaurs." I rolled my eyes and continued to text Ariel. Harry made a big sigh and walked away. I ignored my annoying brother and continued to focus on the small screen and music that was playing.

The flight wasn't as long as I thought it would be but the next thing I knew, we were in a boat on our way to the actual world.


We finally made it to the stupid island and finally got inside the land. "Come on Zayn!" Harry yelled as the boy ran out the boat and started spamming pictures with his little camera. "Slow down Harry." I rolled my eyes and removed my headphones from my head. I rolled my suitcase and headed out the boat. As we walked out, well Harry ran, a lady in an all white blazer and flashy red lips caught my attention. Yea she was pretty but I noticed that she was holding up a sign. I read the sign and saw 'Zayn & Harry.'

"Are you kidding me?!" I groaned. "We have a freaking babysitter?" I said as we walked towards the lady who was looking around.

She looked at us and smiled a bit. "You must be Zayn and Harry." Her British accent exploded as she spoke.

"Yea." I said with a flat tone. Wow, a babysitter! How exciting!

"Im Zoey, your aunt's assistant." She said with a smile.

Harry smiled back amd we started to walk through the tunnels that lead us to the hotels outside of the park.

"Where is our aunt anyways?" Harry asked as we followed her.

"I'm going to be taking care of you since your aunt is busy working. But don't worry, you'll see her." She explained as her phone rang. I groaned and continued to fillow until was got closer to the hotel.
After walking up some stairs, I huffed as Zoey got the key to open the door.

"Whoa." Harry gasped as he admired the room. It was pretty big if you as me.

Zoey, who was still talking on the phone, reach into her purse and took out these green string looking things.

"Here are the wristbands Katie gave me to give to you both. You can get free access to anything without waiting in line." She informed and gave each of us one.

"Gee thanks!" Harry smiled and placed the wristbamd on quickly. I gave a small smile and placed the band on my wrist.

"Come on Zayn." Harry said as he rush to put his stuff away. I sighed and followed him as I turned my attention back to my phone.

Me: Just made it to the stupid hotel. I have a fucking babysitter :(((

I sighed and looked at my phone ad I saw that Ariel was typing away.

Ariel: A babysitter? Your 16 not 6. Poor you. :(

I chuckled a bit and continued to text.

I followed Zoey and Harry to the park, looking around to see if it was actually worth coming here. We walked through these gigantic doors that said 'Jurassic World' with a group of people.

"Whoa." I said under my breath. The giant doors opened and so many things were already meant to be seen.

There were stuffed dinosaurs in the stores. Hot chicks walking around. Huge dino statues next to water fountains.

"This is amazing." Harry gasped as he took some pictures.
I nodded my head, agreeing with my brother for once.

There was music playing and there was an overhead saying something that got pretty annoying after a while.

"Welcome to Jurassic World."

Sorrt for the slow updates. Been updating other books as well. Anyways, the book will start off slow for the next chapters but after a while, there will be action pact stuff. You guys just need to wait a while.

Also, sorry if the chapter was short.



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