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Please read author's note


We all ran inside the pyramid building and ran up the stairs. My aunt quickly umlocked the security coded doors and had us follow her inside the control room.

"Ben!" My aunt said angrily as she stomped towards the fat man.

"Ahh Katie." He smirked.

"Shut up. You sent troops after I specifically told you not to?" She yelled as she looked at the huge screen. Larry and Vicky looked worried and scared at the idea of sending troops.

"Commander, do you copy?" Ben asked as he placed his finger on the ear piece.

The large screen in the control room chamged to the perspective of on of the troops.

"Loud and clear." The commamder said.

The movement in the woods was slow and steady as the troops in trucks and by foot studied everything they saw.


"Psst Mixtli." I whispered. She looked at me and nodded her head signaling 'what's up.'

"What's your friend name again?" I asked as I looked at the girl next to JJ and Andrea.

"Naomi." She answered with a smile.

"Oh." I chuckled and looked at her.

"Why you ask?" She giggled with curiousity.

"She's hot." I admitted as I looked at Naomi from behind.

"She's 14. Your like 13." Mixtli giggled. I chuckled and looked at her.

"I like older women ok." I laughed and shook my head. Mixtli laughed with me for a second, as the drama went by.


"Commander look!" A woman pointed out.
"Ben, I think we found something." The leader said as he looked at the plants.

The screen zoomed into the leaves of the plant as the commander sniffed the red substance on the leaf.

"Blood." He said. The troops all raised their guns and moved steadly throught the trees.

"Mr. the trees are moving." A man whispered.

"Halt!" The leader paused and had the troops stop. Everything went silent for a moment.

"What's going on?" Naomi asked in fear.

"Something is there." Owen answered quietly.

We turned our attention back to the screen, watching from the troopers perspective.

My heart raced a bit as I pictured myself in that position.

Will they actually make it? I thought to myself. I looked back and saw the girls and my brother concentrate on the screen.

Blood dropped onto one of the troops arm.

"Its here." Commander said.

The tree looked much different than the others. Its structure was much different, more wide and white.

"Its there with you!" Andrea yelled. Ben shook and repeated the words.

"It can camouflage!" The commander yelled as the Idominus ran towards them. Shot guns were fired at the Idominus as it opened its mouth, roaring its loudest.

"GET OUT OF THERE!" Ben yelled into the ear piece. It was too late.
The commander was already eaten as everyone evacuated. Troops were killed by getting stepped on, eaten, or shot by.

It was chaotic. The team failed the mission and everyone was at panic.

"Looks like you plan failed." Mixtli said with additude. Ben gave her a dirty look amd ignored her, as he walked to the panels.

"Thats my girl." I whispered to myself and chuckled.

Just a heads up, Zayn DOES NOT have any tattoos in the story. He is his normal 17 year old self with no tats.

P.S: Sorry I haven't been updating. I'm working with a partner for a story called Puppet Master. Please go check it out.

Its by natural_directioner please also follow them. :)

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