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I ran my fastest as I had the T-Rex follow me. My heart pounded quickly as I knew my life was in danger. Like total danger. Thunder roared at its loudest as the rain started pouring down at its hardest. "Really?!" I yelled as my heels clicked on the ground as I ran. The stomping noise got louder everytime the rex hit a puddle. The rain trickled on my shoulders, leaving chills grow down my spine. The light was fading a bit but the dino still followed behind.

"I hope this works." I said to myself as I ran faster.


"We need to distract the dino." Owen suggested as he scooted closer to the kids and I. I looked around and tried to see if there was an exit somewhere.
I kissed my sister on the heads and messed with Harry's hair as I stood up quickly and ran out of the shop. "Mixtli!" Owen yelled.

"Mixtli stop!" Zayn joined in. The rain poured down on me as I ran out and threw my shoe at the Idominus. It turned around and growled at me as I stood there taking deep breaths. This was really stupid.

"Mixtli get back here!" Zayn yelled as he peaked out from the door. I ignored him and started to run to the other side, where I passed the skeleton statue of a dinosaur.

I knew that this was stupid but I had to save time for Katie. "Where is she?" I asked myself as I jumped over tables. The Idominus was right behind me. I knew my leg was still injured but I had to suck it up. The Idominus bumped into buildings, breaking every piece of wood and metal. I slid under a table a hid under there as the Idominus sniffed the ground. I held in a scream and tried my best not to panic. Everything went quiet for a second. I exhaled softly as I looked out as saw the the dinosaur was no where to be seen.

"Oh hell no." I whispered as I looled around. I shook a bit as I knew I was in a death trap. I looked around once again and saw something strange. I crawled out from under the table slowly and stood up, not making a sound.

I heard a growling noise a few seconds later right in front of me. I gasped and took three steps back as the Idominus uncamoflauged right in front of me. It stared at me with its snake eyes and huffed as I whimpered. I took more steps back until I couldn't go anymore. "Crap." I whispered as I charged right at me. This was it. I'm gonna die for real this time.

I closed my eyes and felt something hit me, causing me to fall to the side. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Zayn on top of me. "You..." I gasped as I sat up, with Zayn doing the same.

"Someone had to save you. I wasn't just going to have you become dinner." He winked and chuckled. I giggled and tried to get up but my thigh cut open even more. "Ahh!" I groaned in pain as my thigh started to bleed more.

"Mixtli, don't move." Zayn whispered as he stood still. I looked up and saw the Idominus three feet away from me. It sniffed the blood and licked its lips.

I moved a bit back and gasped as it growled at me.

"I guess it is my time." I said as a tear dropped from my eye. "Don't say that." Zayn hissed as he grabbed my arm.

As the Idominus was going to attack me, something red hit her.

It turned its head quickly and saw something that caused it to roar.

Zayn helped me up and wrapped his arm around my waist as I hopped on one leg. I looked to my right as saw Katie running, with a T-arex right behind her.


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