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"Where is she going?" I asked as I whimpered, knowing that we were stuck in the death trap. Seeing the boys aunt run away scared me a bit.
Owen shrugged his shoulders and watched the Idominus look for us as we hid behind the tables. "We need to get away from him or else he would smell us." Owen informed as he moved to the side of a chair.

"I shouldn't have worn this perfume then." I said to myself as the wind blew. "It smells nice on you." Harry whispered in my ear. I giggled and kissed his cheek, surprising him to the max.

"Yes!" He yelled out loud. "Shhhhhh!" Zayn and Owen shushed the boy who laughed nervously afterwards. Mixtli giggled and continued to crawl with her sisters behind her. "If we make it out of here, it will ve a great accomplishment." Owen teased and continued to walk.

Just then, there was a crackling sound. Everyone stopped walking and looked around and found that Andrea stepped on a piece of glass.

Everything was quiet. Too quiet.

"Where did it....."

The Idominus jumped and stomped on the table we were all hiding behind. We all screamed in terror and ran towards some stores that were near us. The Idominus roared and charged its way towards the store we all went into.

We threw ourselves inside the little bar that was closest to us. Mixtli pulled me in quickly, leaving the Idominus bit down, nearly missing my leg. I gasped and hugged Mixtli as she comforted me. "Get down." Owen said and we did as told.

We all breathed deeply as Andrea cried a bit. JJ tried to calm her down as Harry was sitting there, traumatized.

"Its ok Harry." Zayn whispered to the boy.
I smiled as I knew my crush was frightened a bit. I scooted over next to Harry and smiled at him, signaling that it was going to be ok.
Harry nodded his head and smiled at me as he wiped his sweaty face.

"Wait." Owen said and lifted his hand. Everyone stood still and watched Owen as he looked around.

The stomping stopped once again. There was no sound at all.

All of a sudden, a claw came out of no where from the ceiling and the roaring began. Mixtli, JJ and Andrea all moved to the side and covered their heads as we were getting attacked the most. I tried my best not to scream.

'Harry no!" Zayn yelled as his brother was getting pulled away. I saw that his fanny pack was clawed by the Idominus' claw. I had to think fast.

I saw that Harry was crying and struggling to take off the fanny pack. I looked around and tried to find a sharp object. I looked at Owen and saw that he had a pocket knife on his belt. I grabbed it quickly and cut the fanny pack loose before anything happened. Harry breathed deeply and lied on the floor, wiping the tears off his eyes. "You saved me." He cried with joy as I smiled weakly. "Don't say that. Now I'm gonna cry." I said as I swallowed the lump forming on my throat.
Mixtli pulled me and Harry to the side and looked at us to see if we were alright.

"I'm glad you are safe." Mixtli smiled and hugged Harry and I, as she looked at Zayn with a smile.


I ran in my heels and took out my phone from my bra. "Larry? Are you still there? Larry answer."

"Yellow." Larry answered. I sighed in relief and ran to some large crates that were locked.

"Open Paddock 9!" I yelled into the little monitor as I started to run a bit slower.

I stand outside a paddock and bring the phone closer to my face. "Are you crazy?!" Larry screamed through the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear and groaned as I thought of what to say. "Larry, I need you to open Paddock 9." I repeated.

It was cold outside and wearing these heels killed my feet.

"Ma'am, its too dangerous. I can't risk it." Larry said with a sigh. I took a deep breath finally snapped.

"Larry, man up and do something for once in your life!" I said and looked at the paddock, taking deep breaths.

"Why did you have to make it personal?" Larry groaned and did as I said.
I smiled a bit but realized that this was crazy.
The door slowly opened up and I shook a bit as it did. I lit up a light and stared at the door as it finally opened wide. Breathing deeply and sweating as I waited didn't help as much

"Here I go." I said to myself as a T-Rex came out of the door. I waved the light over my head, attracting the dinosaur.

I turned around and ran for my life, hearing the stomps of the T-Rex right behind me.

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Jurassic World (1D)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora