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"So, how you been Katie." I asked to ignore the fact that we were trying to find her nephews in a jungle filled with monsters that could tear us in half in one bit.

"You're really asking me that?" She scuffed as she stepped over a log, still on those ridiculous shoes.

"I'm trying to be nice over here." I murmmered.

"And I'm trying to find my nephews. I guess we are both trying something." She said in an sarcastic tone.

I sighed softly and thought to myself.


I rolled my eyes at what Katie said and continued to cut through vines.

We sooner or later found a trail that led to some place that we didn't know.

"These are car tracks." I said observing the muddy road.

"Lets follow it." I Katie said. She stomped along the road, moving her hips side to side fericley. I grinned and followed her from behind, putting my machete away.

We walked through a viney area until we saw an open substance from the distance.

"Look!" Katie pointed. I smiled and walked forward into the garage.

"There's a car missing." I observed as I looked around and saw two beat up jeeps.

"They escaped." Katie said joyfully and clasped her hands.

"You think they would manage to worl one of these?" I scuffed and placed my hamds on my belt.

"Well....." She paused as the floor shook.

"Get down!" I whispered loudly as I saw a large foot right in front of the open door.

Katie cupped her hands over her mouth as she hid behind the jeep.
I hid beside her, leaving my rifle on the side of the car. I looked at the distance that I was from the rifle and quickly grabbed the large gun.

I heard loud sniffling near the car, causing me to panic. I took a deep breath and looked at Katie, who was trying so hard not to scream.

The Idominus' snout peeked out a little and sniffed in the smell.

Its a good thing I had Katie rub herself over mud before any of this happened. The perfume was really strong.

The snout of the Rex pulled away slowly, im silence.

"Is it gone?" Kaite whispered.

"I think s....." Right when I was about to speak, the whole roof came down, leaving the face of the Idominous Rex stick in the roof.

It moved the car and tipped it over.

"Run!" I yelled. Katie headed out first and ran into a different room. I timed my self since the rex was no where to be seen now.

I ran, leaving the rex's snout hit near where I was at.



"Whoooo! We made it out!" I cheered as we passed by some trees that led to a road.

Harry laughed and I smiled knowing the fact that we made it.

"Mixtli could have made it." I said to myself.

"Zayn, get over it. She was just another girl." Harry said.

"Well not to me. She had something that no other girl had." I defended.

"Like what?" Harry asked.

"Comfidence, intellegence, strength and encouragement. She died for us Harry. I bet no other girl would do that." I said, holding back my tears.

Harry sat quietly for a second and thought.

"We need to find her sisters." He said.

I nodded my head and continued to drive. Harry smiled and looked at the rear mirror, with a pale face.

"Drive faster." He warned. "What?" I asked.

"Drive faster!" He yelled. He looked back and whimpered as he saw all of the pterodactyls fly over the trees. I dod the same and slammed my food on the acceleration petal, making the jeep go faster.

We made it out of the trees in the matter of seconds and drove by a huge plain, leading us back into the park.

"OPEN THE GATE!" We yelled at the men who stood.

"OPEN THE GATE!" The guys looked at us then up in the air.

Theu quickly opened the gate, letting us and the pterodactyls in the park.

xD Hope yall like it. Next chapter is gonna get interesting....

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