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Hey guys! Its been a while since I opened this story. I have great news about this story. So, before I started in Wattpad, I used to read a lot of stories that were made in a different app called Episode (Choose Your Story). But I stopped using the app when I found out about Wattpad. Last year, 2016, I went back to Episode and started reading some stories, and my inspiration came. I am going to be writing a story in that app but I had no ideas so I decided that I'm going to bring THIS story to life! I am so excited to do this but a heads up to the people interested, Episode is not easy to write on so it is going to take me a while to upload the episodes there. I am kind of new at this so I want everything to be perfect when I publish the first three episodes. Also, it takes a while to gain passes . (I think it takes up to two hours? Three? Idk :P) 

OH! I totally forgot! Since my chapters are short in this app, I am going to be adding more scenes to it, so the story is going to be a bit different but the plot is the same thing. Also! You get to make your own character so YOU get to be a part of the story. The thing is, you are playing as Mixtli in the story, so you do fall in love with Zayn and Naomi is your best friend and all that crap that happened in this story.

Another thing, I am still going to continue to write on Wattpad. I just wanted to give Episode a go, since it is the first source of fanfiction and story ideas for me when I was 10. (Yes, that was a long time ago xD) If anyone is interested in reading this, please tell me and give positive feedback. It means so much to me. I'm glad that you guys enjoyed this story, and my version and twists to it. I can't wait to see what Jurassic World 2 is going to be like and what this year will bring to my stories. 

Thanks again for all the support! :D 



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