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Harry and I went to this cart shaped thing in order to go to this ride that I didn't even know what was called.

The cart took us to the area where it was but moved a bit slowly so we were able to see the view.

It was silent for a while until Harry broke down in tears.

"Bro, why are you crying?" I asked. I looked around and saw that there were some hot chicks behind us so I started to smile at them.

"If mom and dad get divorced, will one of us be with mom and the other with dad?" Harry asked out of nowhere.

"What? Why would u say that?" I asked.

"Because they are."

"No, they're not getting divor... they're not getting divorced! Look, you haven't been around long enough; they've always been that way." I explained.

"They get mail from two different lawyers." He sobbed.

"That doesn't mean anything." I chuckled.

"I googled it. They're divorce lawyers." He frowned. My facw expression changed and I sighed as I looked out the window.

"We are gonna be ok Harry." I sighed, lightening up the mood.


"How is everything up here." I asked as I walked into the control room.

"We got some lost kids in the lost and found, some kids got injured but everything else is fine." Larry said as he looked at the stats.

"Perfect." I smiled and held my head up high.

The doors flew wide open and in came Masrani, CEO of Jurassic world.

"Masrani! Its good to see you." I smiled and walked over to him.

"Ahhh Katie, how is everything." He smiled and walked towards me as well.

"Everything is going well. The rex is ready." I informed and smiled.

"Ahhh, the rex is ready? Perfect." He clasped his hands together and gave a grin.

"Would you like to go see her?" I asked as I looked at the guards standing near the door.

"I would love to." He smiled. I walked with Masrani.

"Make sure the padlock is safe once we get there." I told Larry.

"Ok." He said as he took a sip of his soda.

"And please, clean your workplace. It's... chaotic." I huffed.

"I like to see it as living system... Just enough stability to keep it from falling into total anarchy."

"We need a pilot!" I yelled as we walked away.

"No need for that. I'll fly." He smiled and grabbed the keys once we got to the roof.
"You fly?" I gasped and felt my heart pound faster once we got in the chopper.
He chuckled and got in the chopper, while I got in the back of the helicopter, feeling afraid.

The chopper shook so much as Masrani drive it over the trees. I saw the station that we had the dinosaur in so I was pretty happy that we were gonna land.

We got closer to ground and all staff moved out of the way.

"Sorry." Masrani appologized as he landed the helicopter in an agressive way.

My legs shook and my stomach turned as I got out. The guy who was with us ended up throwing up in the bushes.

"He's fine. Just overexagerating." Masrani joked and walked into the building that held the rex.

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