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She stood there and jumped around like a four year old, finding something that was so cool or exciting.
"I'm so happy to see you babe!" Ariel squealed and hugged me tightly. I chuckled nervously and patted her back.

"Ariel...your......here." I paused and looked at her from head to toe. Shit what am I going to say to her. Mixtli is right behind me and I am so not into Ariel anymore.

She smiled and nodded her head as she looked at everyone behind me. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath before I introduced my friends to Ariel.

"Oh, um this is Naomi, Harry's new girlfriend, thats Andrea, and JJ." I pointed out to the girls next to me. "Harry has a girlfriend?" Ariel questioned as she looked at Naomi. "Yup, thats me." Naomi raised her hand and smiled.

"Thats sweet." Ariel cooed and looked at the rest of the group.

"What about her?" Ariel asked with attitude. I turned around and saw Mixtli behind me, giving a small smile.
"That's Mixtli. My um.....close best friend." I lied and looked at my girlfriend. Ariel raised an eyebrow at me and looked at Mix.

"You never told me about having a so called close best friend. She looks......dirty." Ariel scuffed and observed Mix from afar. JJ gasped and Naomi looked at Mixtli, fearing what she was going to do next.
"Try surviving all by yourself with a huge cut on on your thigh. Lets see how clean you'll be after that." Mix hissed and walked up to Ariel. "You can't talk to me like that. Zayn, make her stop. She is threatening me." Ariel said in discust.

"Her words, not mine." Zayn raised his hands in defence. "Awww poor Ariel. Her boyfriend can't help her." Mixtli said with a baby voice. "You are really immature for your age, how old are you? 15? 14?" Ariel laughed.

"Try 17. I'm old enough to fuck your own boyfriend in front of you, dumbass." Mix snapped and stomped right in front of Ariel.
Ariel gasped and looked at me, then Mix. "Zayn?" She whimpered as I stood right next to Mixtli. "Mixtli! Language! How dare you say such a thing to this precious young girl. Can't you see that she is in love with Zayn?" Sarah gasped and started to comfort Ariel.

"It's not my fault that Zayn isn't interested in her anymore." I snickered and looked at the pathetic girl who was on the floor crying. "What?" Ariel looked up at me.

"Zayn is this true? You would rather go out with this dirty slut than with a good girl like me?" Ariel sniffled. I laughed really hard shook my head as I couldn't believe what I just heard.

"First of all, Mixtli is not a slut. Second of all, at least she isn't named after a stupid ass disney princess. Third of all, Mixtli saved my life out there. You wouldn't even last three seconds out there." I explained.

"Thats what I said to your aunt!" Owen yelled from across the room. My aunt whacked Owen on the arm and waved at her sister and brother-in-law from afar. "We will be right back. Now behave children." My mom informed and walked away with my dad right behind her.

"You didn't answer my question Zayn." Ariel growled as she looked at Mixtli with a dirty look. "Yes, I would rather go out with Mixtli than you. I'm sorry but you are so boring. You like stalk me for everything that I do. Mix is more adventurous and cool. Plus, a good kisser as well." I admitted.

"A GOOD KISSER?!?!?" Ariel yelled, causing her voice to echo throughout the entire area.

"Yes a good kisser." I chuckled and looked at Mixtli. "How would you know?" Ariel growled.

I smirked and bit my lower lip as I looked at Mix from head to toe. I stepped forward and pulled Mixtli closer to me as I smashed my lips into her's. Ariel gasped as she watched me passionately kiss this girl with love and care. I pulled away a second later and looked at Ariel.

"It's over." I said and hugged Mixtli.

Wow, that was quick. I might have like one or two more chapters left for this book.

Love ya'll.

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