Chapter 5: School starts

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Bio on Hunter:

Such a hottie. Popular, a sense on humour and a baddy. He's not into the type of girls that try to hard, instead, he goes for the girls that are kinda shy, kinda weird at times and always happy. He pretends to be all tough in most cases but when your not expecting it, he can be a softy especially to the ones he loves.


4 more minutes until homerooms over. It's so boring in homeroom. We don't do much but talk about like what's coming up and all. It's funny seeing the teachers trying to be funny but really, their not, and it's just stupid.

I look over at Justin. He's like the only one from that group here. He doesn't talk to me that much. The only time he's ever said anything to me was when I had to hand out a form to people and he's just like "thanks Kyra." But I mean, he is shy, sometimes.

*Time passes*


*Bell goes*

I'm usually first one out of homeroom. I don't know why.

I walk out and ahead of me I see Hunter coming out of his room followed by others. He spots me. I quickly go down the stairs before a stampede of people overtake me. I see Gemma standing there, waiting for me to walk with her to class.

"Anything happen?" She asks.

"Yeah um long story." I say
"Let me tell you later, I don't want anyone to over hear us." 

She nods and we start walking.

I look around hoping to see either Christian or Hunter. Hunter I think went all the way upstairs and Christian, I don't know where he goes to class.


We're in English now.

"Ok so tell me all about it."

I sigh.

"Let me just sum this up for you since I'm not good at retelling things. Alright?"

Gemma nods. "Ok go!"

"As you went I sat down next to Christian. I asked if he was ok. He told me that he hates being embarrassed and it's like his mates don't care about respecting him and all. I told him not to worry. Then he said that Hunter likes me a lot and that he really wants to become friends again with him. I said I could help him with that. He smiled then we hugged then time went by then.."

I stop to catch a breath.

"Then I kind of came late to the lockers and Hunter came late as well because, you know him. Then I went through this daydreaming stuff which happens a lot now then I see a book on the floor and I open it and it's Terence's. I walk towards Hunter and say like "oh this is Terence's" and all and we started talking. I was about to tell him that Christian wanted to become friends with him again but the co-ordinator caught us and we had to go."

Gemma stares at me blankly.

"Wait. What?"

I give a are you serious look back to her.

"I told you I'm not good at retelling stuff."

She laughs.

"But look. I don't want to get any of you guys involved alright. Because you know what happen with the others. They said they "didn't want to be in this" like, what was there to be in?"

"Yeah I know. But if you do need help with anything, just tell me yeah?"
She says coolly.

I nod and we get back to work.



"Gemma I need to go toilet. Come with me?"

She nods and stands up.
I ask the teacher that's running the class if it was alright for us to go.
He said it's fine and we walk out the door.

"Soo.. What's happening with you and Michael?" I ask.

"Ohh nothing special. We're just hanging out a little more than usual but um.. yeah that's pretty much it."

I nod slowly.

Michael and I went to the same primary. He's cocky and rude but can be real nice and gentle.

We enter the girls toilets and we see the newbies. I go in front of the mirror and fix my makeup and hair. I notice that one of them is eyeing me at the back. In a mean way too. She comes next to me.

"Soo ummm what's yourr name?" She asks dumbly.

I look at her pathetically.


Trish stares at me as if I'm something she's never seen in her life.

"Ohh well umm, you do know that these toilets belong to us. Yes?"

What's she on about.

I laugh.

"Ha um.. Toilets belong to everyone.." I say. Making sure she understood the meaning of every word.

"Uh no they don't."

Is this girl for real? You can guess what she's trying to do here. She's trying to pick a fight over stupid ass things. Like seriously. Who does that?

I put my hands up in the air, as if a gun had been pointed right at me.

"Woww fine, fine I'll leave."

"Yeah that's right!" She says proudly.

"B*tch." I mutter.

Gemma gives the death stare at her and we walk out.
Gemma's quite good at them death stares.

"What the hell was that?" She asks.

I laugh.

"I don't know. They're just real dumb. They think they can threaten anyone but what their actually doing is failing, am I right or am I right?"

Gemma laughs.

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