Chapter 21: A simple day

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'That week was pretty sick.' I think to myself. I barely have time for catch ups with friends and all. The homework gets in the way with most stuff, but when you think about it, do you really need friends?

I look at myself in the next few years having a job and being preoccupied with other things in my life that the only things Id have time for are family events and relaxation days just to myself. Sometimes being alone is better. I actually wouldn't mind it. But of course I don't finish in another year. Currently, I'm all chill with things, and people that know me well know to lay off me for a while because it gets to much.
Matthew figured that out too. He's been quite busy lately with his job and we haven't really hung out together since 2 weeks ago. We do message each other but we thought we'd take a week just to relax. But what am I saying? We have 6 weeks to relax its good bye school and hello holidays.

Bad Boy Next Door Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora