Chapter 7: Went on a wrong turn

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English is finally over. This is 5th and 6th period now.
Gemma and I walk up to my locker and see Lauren standing there. She spots us and smiles.

"Guys guys!"
She's so exited.

We laugh.
"Yeah what? What happen??" Gemma asks.

Lauren's face goes bright red now.

"Sheldon asked me to meet him on the oval right now! He said he's got a surprise waiting for me! He messaged me during Math! Man c'mon hurry I wanna see him."

"Awe I'm happy for you guys!" I say when doing my combination.

"Me too gurllll!!" Gemma says with some sass.

Gemma puts her books in my locker, since our lockers are just one floor away from each others.
I get my perfume out from my bag, and spray a bit. I look back at the girls. I spray a bit on them as well.

"There ya go." I say.

And I shut my locker.

We turn around when we see Hunter and his 2 mates. Terence and Abe. Their at his locker. Terence nudges Hunter and Hunter turns around to us as we about to go down the stairs. He smiles and I smile back. We walk down.

After a few minutes of walking from one side of the school to the other, we finally reach the oval. Everyone's on the oval, well not everyone, but mostly the guys and girls playing soccer or just people that walk around.

Lauren sees Sheldon and Sheldon sees her. His friends are pushing him towards us. Lauren and Sheldon finally meet with Gemma and I watching from behind her.

"Hey." He says.


"Um.. So like in the message.." He looks down nervously.

Lauren loves it when he gets nervous in front of her.

She blushes.

"Yeah??" She asks.

He looks up at her.

"I wanted to give you this.." He says softly.
And leans in towards Lauren and starts kissing her.

Gemma and I are witnessing a miracle. This was Lauren's first kiss with Sheldon. Usually you'd think they'd kiss when they just started dating but I don't think they were that confident to yet.

"Lauren and Sheldon oooo." Voices from around start saying.

They quickly break up the kiss and look around at whoever said that. It was Jasmine and Taylor of course. Gemma gives that death stare at them. They look at us awkwardly and walk off.

"Let's go Lauren. Don't what anyone disturbing our first kiss now do we?"

She nods and turns to us.

"I'll see you later guys." And blows a quick kiss.

Gemma and I wave at them and they start to walk off the oval holding hands.

"That was adorable omg!" Gemma says.

"I know yeah, they make such a great couple."

We smile at each other and walk further onto the oval.

Michael is up ahead with the guys playing soccer. He's pretty good at it I must admit. Especially around Gemma. We decide to sit on the hill and watch the game. He notices Gemma watching him and he starts running fast to impress her. There he is, dodging all opponents blocking his way then he strikes and gets a goal. All guys cheer for him that are on his team and they pat him on the back. Gemma can't help but to smile. He looks at Gemma and smiles back. Impressed with himself, he starts walking back like a pro.

"Showing off to youuu.." I say.

Gemma smiles shyly and screws up her nose like she does when she's embarrassed.

I watch Michael from a distance to see if he does anything unexpected. Which he does. He starts walking up to us.

While Gemma's still screwing up her nose I nudge her.

"He's coming."

She unscrews her nose and quickly looks at him.

"Ohhh myyy.."

"Hey Gemma."

She stares at him, I stare at Gemma.

"Hey." She replies.

I look back at Michael.

"Hey Kyra."

"Yo." I say. Trying not to get involved in the convo that much. Wanting to leave it to Gemma and him.

"Um is it alright i-if I talk to you, privately?" He asks nervously. Stuttering a little.

She looks at me to see if I'm ok with it.
I nod at her.
She looks back at him.

"Yeah sure." And stands up.

I smile at them as they walk away from me. I'm just sitting alone but it's alright. I got my phone.

"So I've heard that there's gonna be a disco and rides and all tonight." He says.

"Yeah I heard that too."

"I also heard that there's gonna be a Ferris wheel."

"Oh yay!" Gemma loves them.

"Did you wanna go on with me tonight?" He asks hoping the answer would be a yes.

Gemma smiles.

"Of course I would."

Michael smiles and leans in.
I look up at them and see them kissing. My heart literally sunk. It looked so sweet. Awe how much they love each other. I can definitely see a future with them. I'm the only one that likes people from older year levels. I don't know why. Bad boys.

They get out of the kiss and hold hands. They start walking to a further spot on the hill. Away from me. I laugh.

"I'm fine I'm fine" I say calmly.

*Around 6 mins pass*

I look up from my phone again to see Christian walking towards me. He brushes his fingers through his hair as he's about to speak.

"Hey." He says shyly.

I smile. "Hey."

He asks:
"Do you want to sit at the sandpit?"

(It's not for little kids to play in its where you do like long jump and hop, skip jump and those kind of sports.)

"Yeah ok." I say as I stand.

We both walk to the sand pit and sit on the outer hill around it with our legs on the sand.

"I didn't get to really ask about you guys getting back together as mates, sorry I'll try later perhaps.." I say cautiously, hoping he wouldn't get upset by it.

"Yeah nah that's alright." He replies in a soft tone.

I look down.

"You smell nice." He says.
I notice him shifting closer to me.
He smells real good too. It's so strong but lovely.

I look at him and smile. He looks at me and smiles as well.

There's this moment. A moment between us. It's unlike something I've felt before.

He looks at me in the eyes then at my lips. Then he puts his hand behind me on the grass. He somehow drags me into his spell. We slowly come closer to each other and finally, he kisses me.

I kiss him back.
He puts his other hand on the side of my face, combing back the small hairs that got in the way.

After a minute of a good kiss we hear a voice.

"Enjoying that are you?"

We stop kissing and look up.

It was Hunter.

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