Chapter 19: But whatever happened with him?

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Christian's P.O.V

He looks at me strangely.

"Since when did you take drugs? Since when did you smoke?!"

I can't quite figure out if he's annoyed or confused. Harrison's fingers combing his hair like there's no tomorrow makes me nervous and twitchy. I take a seat down on the soft grass.
I look at his hair again.

"Will you just stop doing that?! Please?"
He puts his hand down and looks at me blankly.

There's silence.

"Man you stuffed up. Why are you doing this?" He asks. Now looking worried.

I sigh and look at the fence that they
crossed that night.

"You gonna answer me man?"

"I started a few nights ago. It was late, I wanted to check out what school looked like from a distance, when I stumbled across this man. He looked high as f*ck. He looked desperate for money. So.. I bought some stuff off him. Not a lot."

He sits down across from me but making sure he kept his distance.

"I guess I had bad influences in my life."

He gives me a concerned look.
"Why are you doing this?"

I sigh again.
"I was just bored. I wasn't crazy when I took it. It made me calm. I felt down that night. I had to do something about it."

Harrison shakes his head and looks down.

"It's not going to make you better son, you know it won't. It's just going to kill you faster. You don't want that now do you?"
He looks back up at me.

I look around expecting people eavesdropping from corners or behind bushes, but there's no one.

"I needed to get my mind off of things."

"Like what?" He asks.

I look down at my hands.

Harrison rolls his eyes and looks to his left.
"Can't you just forget about it then? Oh wait.."

I look up at him.

"Is it to do with Kyra and Hunter?"

Harrison gives a curious look and asks, "What is it with you and Hunter, every time someone mentions him you get all-"

"You are my best friend. And I'm sorry to tell you this now, but we're step brothers, him and I. I'm not the type to go telling people so consider yourself lucky, my friend."

I get up from the floor to stand and he does too. His expression on his face is confused as anything right now.

"Whoa. I was not expecting that."

I nod.
"Look I'm gonna go to my tent for a while.

Harrison looks at the ground.

"Please do yourself a favour man."
He looks up once again.

"Forget the f*cking drugs."

I bite my lip and walk away. He's right. Why would I do this to myself? For the first few days it makes you sick. I guess doing it more makes you better in a way that it's truly not.
I search my pockets for any packets but I only find my pack of cigarettes and lighter. I take the box out and slowly examine it.
I turn it around and nearly gag at the gross images.
"I guess it does kill you faster." I say to myself.
"F*ck this what am I doing? This isn't for me."
I walk to a nearby bin and throw away the shit. I keep nothing but the lighter, in case I need it for more practical reasons.

I still feel a small crave for it though.

Listen to yourself.  Your going to be craving a little, now that you've had a bit. You need to get the images out of your head. Do everything it takes to forget about it. Think about the others..

I shake my head to refresh my thoughts as I walk away from the bin. The drugs to be honest made me sick like a dog. The smokes is what made me feel alright.
I think about Kyra and if she would of asked him anything about like, forgiving and forgetting. I wouldn't blame her if she didn't. It's hard to talk about me to him anyways.
I feel selfish to do this to myself. I know if she were here she'd slap me. Mum would hate me..I deserve a slap though.

I enter my tent and lay on a few pillows.

I miss her.

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