Chapter 12: A start of a new day

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I wake up later that morning, but noticing the light this time. I sit up and look down at Hunter. I smile at him. I crawl out of my sleeping bag to the other end of the tent. I fix myself up and comb my fingers through my hair to take out the knots out from overnight. I look around for my bag but then notice that it's still in my locker. Hunter slowly moves around a little and stretches his arm out to the place I was in before and mumbles something. I crawl back to him, nearly over his body.

"What you say gorgeous?" I ask him in a soft whisper near his ear. He mumbles again which I think is quite cute. He suddenly puts both of his arms around my waist and pulls me onto him. "I want you baby girl." He finally says, with his eyes still closed. He hugs me. I bury my face between his neck and the pillow. Gosh it's relaxing as anything. "I'm all yours." I say to him. He holds the back of my head with one hand and the other around my back. I eventually sit up from the hug, still on him. We look at each other. His light blue eyes are extra blue because his eyes are red from the lack of sleep. He threads his fingers through my hair.

"How are you?" I ask, taking out the crusty sleep from the corners of his eyes. He squints and smiles.

"I'm ight." He says with a cheeky smile.

"What about you?"
I nod.
"I'm all goods."

I get off of him which makes him upset. With him still lying down, he grabs my wrist. I look back at him.
"Don't leave me." He says sounding sad and worried.

"Aw babe.." I run my fingers through his dark hair. "I won't leave you, I'll always be here with you.." He closes his eyes while I massage his head. Everyone loves a good scalp massage don't they?
He groans quietly which makes me smile. He likes it. Slowly, he let's go of my wrist. I then put that hand he was holding onto the side of his face. He opens his eyes and smiles at me.
"Your beautiful." He says to me.
I blush a little then after a while I stop to let him get up.

"Our bags are still in our lockers, we should get them." I say.

"Yeah let's go. Wait." He says as I'm about to leave the tent. I look back at him.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Do I look ok? I just came out of bed." He asks looking down at himself. I go up to him and I fix his collar on his shirt.

"Your ok now." I say as I pat both his shoulders. He smiles and we leave the tent. We look around to see a few others come out of their tents. He takes my hand in his and we walk towards our block.

"Baby I've got to go toilet, I'll meet you at my locker ok you go ahead I'll be there soon alright?"

"Ok sure."
He smiles and let's go of my hand and turns the corner. I see a few people at the canteen getting the provided food which doesn't really interest me much, but I mean, it's alright, not the best but it's alright. I turn the other side and see Christian. I wait for him to notice me but he doesn't, so, I walk up to him.

"Christian." I say. He hears me and turns around. His eyes widen slightly.

"Kyra." He says while walking towards me.

"Christian.. I-" I get interrupted by Harrison who comes out of no where.

"Oh isn't it Miss Kyra Devling, how you doin'?" Harrison asks with a smirk.

"Good thanks.." I say in reply, feeling awkward.

Christian gives Harrison intimidating eyes but he doesn't seem to care.


"Um I've got to go somewhere.." I say feeling awkward, again.

"Oh um I'll-" Christian gets cut off again.

"Alrighty then see you later sugar." Harrison winks. God he's annoying. I look at Christian and he gives a small smile. I do as well and I walk away, towards the block.

Harrison turns to Christian and stares at him with a dumb looking smile. Christian looks at Harrison with a blank face. Harrison starts to chuckle stupidly. Christian still looks at him blankly.

"You high man?" Christian asks him.

"Nope haha." Harrison laughs.

"Then f*ck off yeah?" Christian rolls his eyes and walks the other way. Harrison shakes his head as he continues to laugh and walks to the canteen to fill his plate up with breakfast.

I finally enter the block. My locker is in a building called A Block. As in the letter A. They do this with all the buildings in our school to make it easy for when your talking about a certain building, you call it by its name for example: V Block or T Block. I walk up the stairs. This place is trashed already. I'm guessing that there was a party going on in here as well last night. I reach the top of the stairs on my floor and I head over to my locker. I do the combination and unlock it. I reach into my locker to get my bags when I hear footsteps from behind me. I knew who it was for I only smiled looking down, getting ready for him to hug me around the waist. I was waiting and waiting and finally, I gave up and turned around to see Lauren and Gemma smiling at me weirdly.

"Um hello!" I say.

"It's tonight Kyra... tonight!" Lauren says with nervousness but excitement.

"Oh shit it is isn't it.. Oh gosh." I rub my temples while my hand on my hip.,

"Do you guys like the song choice though like.. I don't know if it's your kinda thing you know like.. Me being all into that stuff.."
Gemma nods. "No it's good the choreography is great to it, we can't really change the song now like its good, it's a new one too isn't it?" She asks looking at Lauren. Lauren nods as well as me.

"Well we could practise later I guess, I just need to get my bag to my tent and brush my teeth and eat breakfast and God, I'm packed ha."

"You look like it!" Gemma stares down at my big as bag full of clothes.

We laugh. I shut the door to my locker. Hunter walks up the stairs and sees us.

"Hey girls how are you?" He asks.

"Yeah yeah good." They both say with small giggles. They like his eyes too. He gives a smile and does his combination.

"Kyra we'll meet you at around 1 so we can-" I stop them right there.
"Yep yep ok guys.." I give them a shh don't tell him kind of look and they get it. They wave and go down the stairs.

Hunter looks at me while getting his bag out.

"What are they talking bout?" He asks, his eyes looking a little less red than before.

"Secret.." I end it with a high pitched t for some reason.

"Will I find out..?" He asks with a sexy smirk to his face.

"Yeah, in fact you will tonight.." I smirk as well. He licks his lips being then a little dry and all. He closes his locker and takes my bag away from me, with the strap along his shoulder.

"Hunter it's too heavy what are you doing?"

"No baby it's ok it's too heavy for you." He's carrying like two big as bags on either side of his shoulders. I try taking mine off from him but he runs downs the stairs and laughs.

"Baby don't it's alright." He says walking backwards with a smile so big with his teeth showing. I give a small smile as I walk down those stairs.

"You use to have braces didn't you, like blue ones." I say, not really meaning it as a question for I knew he did and I wanted him to talk about it.

"Yeah thank God their off. You know why I got blue?" He asks.

"Why?" I catch up to him now, walking along beside him.

He turns back to the front and walks strait "Because I wanted them to match my eye colour which was stupid." He laughs.

"Haha that's not stupid, I remember you with them on, you looked so cutee." I say rubbing his back.

"Haha really?"

I smile and nod. He grins to show off his teeth which makes me laugh.

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