Chapter 11: First night

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I'm panting.
I sit up and look around. I forgot I fell asleep in a tent. I thought I was in my own bed at home, but I wasn't. Hunter wakes up and sees me. He quickly sits up. I'm sweating. He starts to look worried and puts his hand on my back.

"Kyra, what's wrong?!" He whispers loudly.

I shake my head while trying to breathe.

"Kyra.. Do you need fresh air maybe?" He asks, still continuing to whisper loudly.

I nod and shut my eyes tight.

"Ok let's go, nice and easy."
He helps me up and takes me out of the tent. I walk towards the big tree and I lean against it. He stands in front of me, with his eyes focused on mine. I slowly start to calm down my breathing. I stop my sweating. Watching the river flow by calms me.

"You alright? What happen?" He asks.

I look at him through my eyelashes. "Bad dream, very bad dream."

He puts out his arms and hugs me tight. I lean my head on his shoulder and he slowly starts rocking me around like he did when we had our first dance together. You can still smell the cologne on his body from the day before.

"What was the dream about?" He asks softly.

I bite my lip, unsure if I should tell him or not. It isn't something I'd want to tell him but I can't lie to him.

"It was.. you got shot by some guy with a gun.. and he ran away and left you dying.. on the ground, with no one around.., you couldn't move, paralysed even. When you got shot it felt so real.. It scared me." I say sadly, still hugging him, not wanting to let go.

He looks at the other tents around ours. He thinks about what I just said. Not making a sound.

"I'm sorry.. it's such a cruel dream.. I don't know why I-"

"It's ok babe, it's not real.. it won't happen.." He quietly laughs, making himself sound tough and all so that I wouldn't think of him being scared.
I get out of the hug and we stand there in silence.

"What's the time do you think?" I ask him, looking at the moon, trying to figure out how many hours it will take for it to disappear. He looks at me, daydreams in fact, then realises and snaps out of it and looks at the sky as well.

"Ummm, probably.. like.. 4:00.. I think." He says.

I nod and we look back at each other.
He holds my hand. His hands are way warmer than mine.

"Let's go back inside the tent hey." He says. We walk back inside our tent and he zips it back up. I lay down in my sleeping bag with him next to me in his.

"I don't think I want to sleep after that." I say.

He puts his arm around me and brings me closer to him. He's basically my pillow now.

"Just rest your eyes, don't think about it, think about good things, you and me, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-ging.." He softly laughs and I do too.

"We could you know." He whispers.
"We could in the big tree, it's so big no one could see us in it, just you and me and the world alone."

I smile. "That'd be cute."

He kisses the top of my head.

"By the way, I need your number nearly forgot." He says.

"It's ok I'll give it in the morning, I mean, later today." I say tiredly.

"Alright sweetie."
I like it when he calls me sweetie. It's sweet. Just like him.

I close my eyes and I think of all the wonderful things my dreams have given me. Have given me a sweet boyfriend is what I've wanted for many years and being this one, right beside me, holding me like there's no tomorrow is the love of my life, my one and only, bad boy.

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