Chapter 9: Friends and Relationships

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5:52. It's getting dark since it's winter.

My grandma always use to say that; 'You shouldn't just like one guy, there's many, many out there, and one day, you'll find the right one for you. No matter how long it takes. There's no need to rush, he'll be waiting out there for you, and you'll know it when it's the right time.'

"I love you Gemma. Always remember that." Michael says while holding her hand real tight.

She smiles.
A pair of eyes watch them both from a distance. Gemma feels like someone is watching her. She looks around the oval and notices Andrew looking. What Gemma doesn't know is that Andrew has a crush on her. They have been friends for 3 years now. They stare at each other for a few seconds before she turns away. Michael looks at her.

"Something wrong? He asks.

"No. Nothing." She try's to fake a smile which is believable.
Michael smiles back and looks at the school buildings.

Gemma secretly looks back in the direction of where Andrew was standing but he's gone.
She looks around to try and find him but she can't.

"Well, it's nearly 6. You wanna go inside the gym? I heard they're setting up a dance for anyone interested. You interested?" He asks.

"Yeah that'd be.. cool." She says while nodding her head.

"Let's go then."
And they start walking in the direction of the gym.

As they get closer to the gym, the music gets louder.
They enter and heaps of people are already there, dancing, sitting, standing.
She sees Hunter and I sitting on the floor in the corner, watching others dance and all. She approaches us with Michael.

"Heyy?" He says confusingly.

"Yo." Hunter says.

"Hey." I say.

Michael hates Hunter. Ever since the day when Hunter took his soccer ball and kicked it out of school bounds. Michael never got that ball back. He stays quiet.

"Soo you guys are a thing?" She asks.

Hunter smiles and looks at me. "Yeah. We are."
He kisses my cheek and I smile.

Gemma smiles as well.

"Is it alright if I pinch Kyra for a minute?" She asks with a grin.

"Yeah sure." Hunter says.

I get up and walk over to Gemma.

"Bring my baby back yeah?" He asks.
I turn around and he winks at me with a smirk.
I giggle and turn back around and I walk with Gemma.

Michael is left with Hunter.

Michael looks at Hunter awkwardly and walks away.
Hunter looks around and sees Christian enter the gym.
Christian looks around and disappears in the crowd.

"Kyra I need to ask something.." She looks up at me nervously.

"Yeah what is it?" I say.

"I saw Andrew look at Michael and I before when we were on the oval. I think I'm.. starting to like him now. Like I've been with Michael for a while now but Andrew and I are good friends and I don't really know what to do Kyra."

"Ok ok I know this quote. It's: ' if you love two people, choose the second because if you truly loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second..' Oh."

She looks at me with a small, scared look on her face. "What..? She asks.

"I kissed Christian, I kind of.. had a moment with him. He was my second choice remember."

She nods. "I guess we are in the same state then kinda."

"Um Gemma.."

She turns around and sees Andrew in front of her.

"I'll see you later, I think.." And I walk away from them.

She watches me walk away and turns back to Andrew.
"Yeah..?" She asks.

"I've been thinking about something that I wanted to talk to you about. If it's not wasting any of your time?"

"Oh no it's alright I'm free." She answers back nervously.

"Well, ever since you and Michael started dating I've always felt so sad. And I'm not trying to break you guys up but I thought that, rather then keeping this to myself.. I'd want to let it out and talk to you about this."

She nods slowly. "Go on.."

"Ok. The reason I've been feeling sad all this time at school, when we sit next to each other in class, when we try to make conversations but it doesn't work out.. It's because I really like you. I even thought of giving up." He looks down. "I knew you wouldn't like me. You felt like a sister to me, and I decided to take it further by liking you more than a friend. But then I found out that you and Michael are dating. And..I.. Just thought that telling this to you would make you understand that.." He looks back up at Gemma who's starting to tear. "That I've always had a crush on you, and that your such an amazing girl. Anyone would be happy to have you as their girlfriend.." He gives a sad smile.

"Andrew.. that's really sweet of you. And I'm sorry I didn't notice this earlier.."

He looks behind her and sees Michael walking towards them.

"I'll see you later. Michaels probably wondering where you went, since he's walking towards you now." He says sadly. And he walks away. Gemma watches him walk into the crowd.

"Gemma where were you all this time babe?" Michael asks with curiosity with a hand on her shoulder.

She looks at the floor then back at Michael.

"Just talking to Kyra." She replies back with a soft voice.

"C'mon, let's go." He says leading her back to the middle of the gym.

She couldn't believe what just happen. She's definitely in a tough stage too now.

I walk back to Hunter. He's still sitting in the corner. He looks up and sees me walking towards him and he stands up.

"Thank God you came back." He puts his arms around my waist and spins me around.

I laugh. "Thank God you were still waiting.."
He smiles and stops spinning me around. A slow song plays and couples start dancing with each other.
He looks deep into my eyes.

"Would you like to have his dance with me?" He asks with a cute smile on his face.

"I'd love to." I say and we start to dance slowly. I put my hands on his shoulders with his arms around my waist.
He looks to the side to see Christian watching at us dance. He has a miserable look on his face. I'm unaware that he's looking at us. Hunter pulls me closer towards him and slowly kisses my lips. Christian looks at the ground and turns away. After a few seconds of kissing we stop and smile at each other.

"I promise to love you forever babe." He says.

"I promise to as well." I say while hugging him.

He looks back to see Christian walking out of the gym.
He closes his eyes and rocks me in his embrace.

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