Chapter 10: Secrets

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"I really enjoyed that. Thanks." I say to Hunter as we walk out of the gym together. It's 11:39.
He puts his arm around my back as we walk around the buildings.

"No worries baby, I had a good time too." He says while smiling down at me.

I start to shiver.

"Your cold." He says, taking off his jumper and putting it around me.
He brings me closer to him so that I'd keep the warmth.

"Thank you." I smile.

He does as well.

We walk onto the oval and to the direction of the big tree.
We eventually arrive at the tree. Most people have set up their tents around the oval except us. We probably will later. Hunter picks up a sharp stick and writes the initials 'K+H' on the tree. The moon light lights up the whole sky so he can see what he's writing.

"There we go." He says as he drops the stick.

I walk over to it and smile.
He looks at me smile and smiles as well.

He sits with his back up against the tree. I sit beside him with my head on his chest. He holds me tightly so that he makes me feel safe.

"I'm glad to be away from home." He says sadly.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"I've got parents that don't stop fighting. I think they're going to get divorced soon." He leans his head on mine.

"I'm sorry."

He shrugs. "There's no need to be, as long as I've got you to cheer up my life." He says to me, rubbing my arm to keep me warm.

"Same goes to you." I say.

We look up into the sky.

"Don't tell anyone what I just told you babe. I haven't told anyone but you. I only trust you." He says to me.

"Don't worry I won't, I'll keep it a secret." I say softly.

"Thanks." He whispers.

We stay quiet for a little while, listening to the river flow by our school.

"Since you told me a secret, I'll tell you one as well, to make it fair." I say.

"Okay." He replies.

"There use to be some girls that were my friends. Then they basically stabbed my other friends and I in the back."

"Which girls are these?" He asks.

"I don't know if you know them but they're Jasmine and Taylor?" I ask him.

"Are they the two girls that walk around on their own now?"

"Yeh you got it." I say.

"Hm ok what bout them?"

"Well 2 months ago we were fine until I notice you smile at and I decided to tell them that you did and they basically ignored it and didn't want to be involved in my 'crush life' with you. They'd make stories up about me when pretending to be my friend. They said I'd talk to much about you." I say feeling sad.

"Baby, who cares about what they say. Your allowed to talk about anything you like. If they ever try to boss you around or if they still continue to make up bullsh*t about you let me know alright and I'll talk to them ok?" He says with lots of emotion. He really cares about me.

"Thank you but I wouldn't want you getting involved in all that drama and crap." I say.

"Don't worry babe, I'd do anything to protect you." He says and kisses my forehead.

I sadly smile.

"We should set up our tents." I say.

"About that.." He says slowly. "I forgot to bring mine."

"You can share with me if you want. I've got a big one." I say.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yeah c'mon lets set it up." I say as I stand. He stands too. And we walk down the small hill and to where I left my tent and sleeping bag, in a small ditch so that no one could see it and take it.

We unpack it and start to set it up.

After we finish we get real tired.
Hunter gets his sleeping bag from the tree where he had left it earlier and unrolls it in the big tent. I do the same.
There's heaps of space, you could probably fit 4 people and sleeping bags in it.

I hand him back his jumper and he puts it to the side.

"I'm just gonna sleep in this, it's too cold to wear pyjamas." I say to him.

"Yeah same I'll just wear this."
He's wearing his checked blue long sleeved shirt with grey track suit pants.

I quickly eat a mint instead of brushing my teeth.

"Want one?" I ask him handing over a tin of mints.

"Yeah ok thanks." He takes it and chews on it.

I sink into my sleeping bag and turn to the side and he does too beside me so that we're facing each other. My hands up in front of me and he stretches out his arm and puts his hand on top of mine.

"I'll see you in the morning." I say.

"Goodnight sweetie." He says to me and we fall asleep.

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