Chapter 10: Prescience

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The vagrant and bandit circled each other for a bit. In a quick spinning motion, Ace dealt a cracking back kick to Basilard's stomach, sending him flying to the ground.
Basilard spinned on the ground, entering a handstand before standing back up. He swung a looping hook at Ace, who dodged it, then dealt a knee to his stomach.
Ace tackled Basilard, grabbing the collar of his shirt and flipping the bandit over his hip. Basilard blocked his strikes from the ground with ease before catching his wrist and locking Ace's arm with his legs.
"Gahh!" Ace screamed, as the bandit cranked his joint, dealing an intense pain to his elbow.
"Do you give up?"
Ace struggled against him for a bit, "You're good," he said, before biting the man's leg. Basilard tried to withstand it, but eventually rolled away. They both stood up, eyes squared on each other. A muscular man with a heavy red beard and garb made from the pelts of beasts approached Ace, folding his arms. "I'm called Maul, I'm the chief around here. You're a strong fellow, I respect that." He thumbed his chin for a moment, before yelling, "Mercygiver! Give me his arms."
A young man with curly brown hair waved from the upper walkway of the fort before tossing the neatly-wrapped daggers to Maul.
"You're free to leave, but I promise no safety outside these walls. I'm also keeping these, as I can nary afford to let my men be killed be them."

Basilard dusted himself off and walked away, "Whatever."
Maul turned toward Arya, "And what of you?"
Arya stood up, "I'm also a strong fellow, for true!"
Maul chuckled, "I've no patience for pomp. I'm a man of substance, you see."
Arya walked in front of him, "Untie me, brigand! I've a full canister of substance!"
Maul waived his hand, "Caravel, untie the girl." Caravel walked forward, cutting Arya loose. She looked around, and hit the ground in a push-up position. "One! Two! Three!"
Maul laughed loudly. "We've our own ways of testing the strength of a fellow's will here, if you've the stomach for it." Arya hopped to her feet, trying hard to hide her heavy breathing. Maul continued, pointing at the upper walkway. "There's a chest up there. Bring its contents." Arya nodded.

Mercygiver threw Arya's broadsword into the ground in front of her. She grabbed it and began walking. There were tents in the war of the fort, which made sense seeing how most of the rooms were rubble. She approached a man who laid under one of the tents in a fetal position. "Um, Excuse me."
He sighed deeply, "One day..."
"Excuse me."
"Maybe if I could attend a school.."
"Excuse me!"
The man jumped, "Ah! What the-- who are you?"
Arya stared blankly at the man, kneeling. "I'm Arya. I'm trying to get... there." She pointed to the tower Maul directed her to.
The man sat up, "There are stairs you can take, that will lead you to where you're going."
Arya smiled, "Thank you, ser. I'm glad you aren't a rude bandit." He laid back down, closing his eyes, "Ranseur... the world's greatest.."

Arya was slightly curious at what he may have said, but she was in a rush. She climbed the steps leading to the battlements. The sight of the open fields was astonishing from where she walked. The sun shined brightly on the land, and the air blew cool. She could also see Ace, running the fields, knocking down bandits. She came to a heighty wall where the steps had been destroyed. "What the--?" She jumped, but her fingers barely reached the ledge. After a while, Arya stepped back and sprinted toward the ledge, taking a flighty leap. Clasping the dusty stone ledge, she planted her feet against the wall and climbed it. Before her was a tall, stylish man with shining medium-length blonde hair. He was eating some dried harspuds. "What are you doi-- Maul must have sent you here. Alright then." He stood up and drew his sword, which shined in the light of the sun. "I'm Sling, by the way. Prepare yourself."

"You. I saw what you did," said Ceres, glaring at Caravel.
He smiled at her, "Whatever do you mean?"
Ceres stood up, "Bandit chief, I'm offended at one of your men. I find engaging him in combat incredibly difficult with these binds."
Maul grinned, "Today is definitely a good day. Alright then." He threw one of Ace's daggers past Ceres and her ropes fell off.
Caravel walked toward her, "What are you going to do, little girl? Fight me? I'm no fighter."
The pawn clenched her fists, "You have another solution in mind? If you're not a fighter, that makes my task quite easy."
Caravel chuckled, "Beating little ol' me up is a task for naught, especially when you're making accusations."
"You should already be ashamed I saw you in the first place. Figures, you're an amateur," jabbed Ceres.
Caravel flinched, "Am-amateur!? Fine! If you think I've stolen something, point to where I'm hiding it!" Kairo watched with a light smile on his face while he scraped at his binds with a hunting knife.

Arya drew her sword and ran at Sling. He used one hand to block her attacks, and the other to pop dried harspuds in his mouth. He spun his sword in a windmill-like slash. Arya stepped back.
"You use a shield. Where is it?" Asked Sling, chewing and dusting off his hand.
Arya swung her sword, "You fool! I'm an experienced fighter, shield or naught!"
Sling blocked her easily. "Lies." Arya held her sword at her cheek and pointed it at Sling. He stepped back, "That stance.."
She stared at him with a cold glare, "With sword in-hand, my skill is unparalleled."
Sling stepped forward, clashing blades with Arya. In a quick movement, he spun behind Arya, forcing her own sword to her neck. She dropped down and rolled forward. Sling moved his blonde hair from his face. Arya picked up a rock and threw it at him. He blocked it, causing dust to fill the air for a few moments. He stepped forward, swinging a downward stroke at the Hearthstonian girl. With a sudden stop, he canceled his attack, staring directly at the tip of her blade as Arya pointed it at his nose. She stepped forward, dealing a heavy punch to his face. As he fell to the ground, Arya stepped back and sprinted toward him before taking another huge leap. She landed on the lower battlements with a tumbling roll. Sling stared blankly.
Sling watched her run to the battlements and turned around, noticing the open chest as it lie empty. "Ah, damn it."

Ceres stared long at Caravel. He smirked, "Yeeesss?"
A teenaged boy came into the fort, "Maul, I found somethin' fancy."
The bandit leader looked at him, "What is it, Pike?"
"A grimoire! It's said to possess unimaginable power."
Maul looked at the old book. "Hm. I know nothin' about magic. What about you lot?" He turned toward Kairo, who shrugged in response. Maul took the grimoire from Pike, and threw it into the air. "Hopefully it'll land where someone can find use of it."
"Well, little girl?" Asked Caravel, his arms extended to his sides. Ceres stepped forward and quickly thrusted her hand into his mouth. "W-what-- augh-!" She snatched it out and opened her slobbered palm, revealing Arya's brooch.
"How could you have kno--?" Caravel asked, holding his mouth.
"When you said 'well' you lifted your tongue for the L sound."
"Damn it!"
Maul clapped a few times, "There's naught to prove a man's will but his actions."
Arya approached Maul, panting heavily, handing him the Azure Ring she retrieved from the chest. "So are we free to go?"
Maul's expression paused completely, "No. You're free to join us."

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