Chapter 15: Dexterity

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"Salomet," said Gerard, "He was the court-appointed wizard. He wields power like no other."
"Why did he attempt to kill you, ser?" Ceres asked, looking at her bow, made of gold-stained Sylvan iron.
"If he wanted me dead, we wouldn't be having this conversation. He may have aught he's saving his strength for."
Edward walked in, "Ser Gerard. The convoy is heading toward the fishing village. We aught meet them."
The older knight stood up, slightly struggling. "Well then. We should leave now." He stroked his thick mustache as though he was happy that it wasn't harmed, "They can, by all means escort you as well, madam Arya."
She waved, "Thank you, ser. If I let your men escort me, I'll become spoiled."
Gerard laughed, "Ahaha, you may be right. If ever comes a time you need the aid of Gransys, find me."
Arya nodded in response. Selene came in, setting a large bushel of herbs on the table. Edward kneeled in front of her, and grabbed her small left hand.
"My thanks, milady."
She looked at him timidly, her pale face become flush red. He lightly kissed the back of her hand, his stubble prickling her knuckles ever so softly. Edward stood up, "Off we go, Ser Gerard." Selene hurried to the table, hastily sorting the herbs.

Edward turned to wave at Arya, but she was already in front of him with her hand extended to him.
He looked at her, confused.
"Well, ser, on with it. I don't have all day."
He chuckled, "All right then, mad--"
She looked at him sternly, "Lady' is fine."
"My thanks, lady Arya." He kneeled and kissed her hand.
Arya turned away, "Hmph."
Ceres walked innocently to the knight, "So is that a commonplace, ser? To kiss the hand?"
Edward exhaled slowly, "Yes.. Yes, it is." He smiled awkwardly and took a knee.
Before he knew it, Ceres was on one knee, kissing the back of his hand. He froze completely.
"Maker's word!" Said Gerard.
"You have beautiful hands, ser Edward." Said Ceres, rubbing her face against the veiny surface.
He pulled away, gently. "We'll be.. On our way. Farewell."

Arya looked at her hand, "I get the feeling, no-one thinks of me as a girl."
Ceres raised her hand slightly, "Ace thought of you as a girl. Or so according to his conversations with Kairo."
She raised her fist, "That cursed pervert! What did he say!?"
Ceres was silent.
Arya grabbed her by the collar, shaking it, "Tell me!"
"Quiet, please." Said Selene, "I'm trying to concentrate."
The Arisen watched closely as Selene grinded herbs. She looked over at Ceres, who was watching equally as intense.
"Quite masterful, isn't it Ceres?"
"I'm not sure. Her dress is very cute, however."

After a few days, Arya and Ceres took their leave of the "Witch of the Woods" through a trail revealed to them by Selene. It led them to another beautiful grassy plain. They gazed at the surroundings from the tunnel, which strangely came directly out of the side of a moderately-sized mountain. There were gorgeously lush trees and massive boulders that covered the landscape. Ceres inhaled joyfully, "The ocean is quite magnificent, Arisen."
Arya nodded, and leapt from the crevice. Ceres slid down the side of the mountain. They ran through the bright trees and past the trail, where the plains came to an end. There was a huge cliff that separated them from a shining beach, littered with parts of wooden boats. The ocean sparkled under the afternoon sun.
"We'll come to a village if we continue down this path, Arisen." Said Ceres, pointing south toward a tall sandstone gate with a rusted iron portcullis. They approached it eagerly, walking in as a tropically dressed man smelling of saltwater walked out.

The town was peaceful and quaint. The buildings were made of stone and wood, each roof covered in sienna porcelain shingles. There were some peculiarly wrecked parts of the city, but they did little to effect the beauty of the Fishing village.
"How pretty," said Ceres, "I'll go buy supplies."
"Where did you get money?" Asked Arya.
Ceres tilted her head, "So you sat in the bandits' treasury all that time without taking any gold?"
Arya froze.
"And you treat me like a madwoman, Arisen."
She skipped briskly after making the crude comment, stepping into the nearest shop.
"Pardon me."
Someone bumped into Arya, nearly knocking her over.
"My apologies."
Another one, only that one was slightly dizzying. She looked around, noticing strange cloaked men mixed with the villagers. One after another, people constantly bumped into her.
A dagger came from under a man's cloak.
"Pardon me."
Arya jumped back, drawing her sword, "Steel yourself for combat!"

Everyone looked at her strangely. Arya quickly examined the surrounding civilians, noticing the assailants had disappeared completely. "Right cowards, I say."
She stepped into an inn, where she was greeted by a short man with wavy dark-brown hair and a goatee.
"How's the day find you?"
Arya smiled, "Queerly. Are cutpurses a commonplace in this village?"
The short man folded his arms, "I'd hope not! I guess thieves are just having their way with Cassardis nowadays."
Ceres came in, "How much would you charge for a night here, innkeep?"
"50 coin."
Ceres handed him five gold pieces, "My thanks."
Arya waved, following her up the stairs. The room was quite simple, with but a sheet of cloth to cover the window. There were multiple beds in the room, something that would seem odd to normal people. Of course it didn't bother Arya, who had spent years sleeping outside. She helped herself to the soft embrace of a bed, inhaling and exhaling slowly. The cot's plush bedcovers seemed to grow arms that stroked Arya's body. The cool breeze blowing in through the window stripped her of all defenses. She couldn't help but fall asleep.

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