Dazed and Confused

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"That was incredible."

Stevie gasped for air, clutching the sheets to her chest as they lay side by side, starring up at the ceiling. Her hand reached blindly for his between them, squeezing it tight as they laid in the aftermath.

Lindsey brought her hand up to his lips, intertwining their fingers and resting them on his bare chest. He let out a content sigh, glancing over at Stevie as she still hadn't said anything. "You alright angel?" He chuckled when she nodded breathlessly, pushing her sweat soaked bangs off of her forehead.

"Yeah." She gulped, closing her eyes. Her skin was flushed, her lips red and swollen as her long hair spread out messily around her. She finally met his eyes, her own laugh resonating throughout her candle lit bedroom. She rolled over, her head falling onto his chest and her arm going around his waist. "You're so good."

Lindsey couldn't help but smirk, a possessive hand lying on her hip while the other ran through her hair. "Best you ever had." He felt her nod in agreement and place a soft kiss onto his chest, laying her head back down and closing her eyes. His fingers trailed up and down her arm, tracing patterns against her pale skin. He rubbed his hand over her hip, occasionally dipping lower. She jolted when he brushed against her center, grabbing his wrist and pulling it back up above the sheets. "Lindsey Buckingham don't you dare go any lower." She warned when his other hand slid down her back.

"Oh come on, you don't wanna go for another round?"

She lifted her head, looking up at him incredulously. "Jesus Linds, you're worse than a teenager."

He chuckled, bringing his hand up to cup the side of her face, caressing her hair. "I'm just saying goodbye baby."

"We've already said 'goodbye' three times. I got the message." He laughed again and she couldn't help but smile, burying her head back into his chest. "I'm exhausted, let's just lay here."

"We can do that." He kissed the top of her head, wrapping his arms around her tight as his chin rested on top of her head. "I'm really going to miss you."

She let out a small snort. "Lindsey i'll be gone a week."

He shrugged. "I'll still miss you."

Stevie propped herself up on his chest, her hair falling over their faces as she looked down at him. "Think of it this way. I'll be gone for one short week, and then we'll be on tour for many..." she leaned down to peck his lips. "many long months."

"Mmm. I like the sound of that." She giggled and he grinned, his hand pushing her head down to meet his. Their lips crashed onto one another's and Stevie let out a moan as their tongues tangled together. His hand traveled down her leg, stopping behind her knee and pulling her leg across his waist. Her hands reached up to cup his jaw, his arm going around her shoulders and drawing her in closer as the kiss grew deeper.

Stevie let out a sigh of disappointment when the phone rang, pulling away from him reluctantly. She settled back down on his chest, playing with his hand of the arm that was still drapped over her shoulders as he picked up his cell phone.

Lindsey squinted at the bright screen, rolling his eyes once he saw who it was. He clenched his eyes shut, mentally preparing himself before hitting answer. "Hey honey." He sighed as the other voice on the phone instantly began to squawk at him. "Yeah, I know it's late. The time kind of slipped away from us."

Stevie listened quietly as he talked to his wife, straining her ears to hear the other woman's voice.

"We're still working on a couple of the demo's......Kristen you can't just put them together in a couple hours, it takes time."

Stevie scoffed, instantly covering her mouth with her hand when his eyes darted down at her and he pulled the phone away. She watched as he placed the phone back to his ear, clenching his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fine, sure. I'll see you soon."

She placed a soft kiss on his shoulder soothingly, sensing his frustration. He hung up, looking down at her apologetically. She gave him a small sympathetic smile. "Have to go?"

Lindsey sighed, pouting. "Yeah. I'm sorry angel."

"Don't worry about it." She kissed him, rolling off of him so he could get out of bed. She did the same, pulling on her black silk robe, sitting on the edge of the bed as she watched him get dressed. "Baby you might want to wear a t-shirt to bed tonight."

"Why?" He turned around to look at her and she gestured towards his back. He peered over his shoulder, catching sight of a few red marks. No doubting there was more all over. "Oh."

Stevie laughed. "Sorry."

He grinned, leaning over to kiss her. "Naughty girl." He threw his shirt on, buttoning it up as he looked around the room to make sure he got everything. "Want me to walk you out?"

"That'd be great." Lindsey slipped his arm around her shoulders, hers going around his waist as they made their way out of the bedroom and towards the front door of her condo. "You'll call me when you get to Chicago?" Stevie nodded and he sighed, wrapping his arms around her neck and embracing her into a hug. Her arms curled under his, gripping his shoulders as he kissed the side of her head. "I'm gonna miss you."

"It's only a week."

"Do you really have to go?"

"Lindsey i'm really excited about this, don't ruin it for me."

He kissed her head again, nuzzling her neck. "I won't."

She pulled away, squeezing his arms. "I'll be back before you know it. Then we can work on some more 'demos'." She winked at him, stretching up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek. "Goodnight Linds."

"Night Stevie." He gave her a smile, opening the door.

"Oh wait!" Lindsey looked at her confused as she licked her thumb, rubbing it across his cheek. He looked at her questioningly and she chuckled. "I don't think your wife would very much appreciate my lipstick all over your face." She wiped the rest off with her sleeve, giving him one last smile. "Bye."

"Bye, love you."

"I love you too." She shut the door behind him, sighing as she leaned up against it. She heard tiny clicking sounds, glancing over to see Sulamith scampering into the living room. She stopped right in front of Stevie, looking up at her and cocking her head.

"Oh don't look at me like that." She frowned. "He's the one with a wife, not me."

Sulamith just wagged her tail and Stevie rolled her eyes, bending over to pick her up. "Come on you, you and mommy have a big day tomorrow yes we do." She baby talked her dog as she headed towards her bedroom. She raised the pitch in her voice as she spoke for Sulamith. "Oh mommy i'm so excited!" Sulamith let out a small bark and Stevie laughed. "Me too baby." She kissed the top of her head, smiling.

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