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Stevie stood frozen. She felt the drum beat beneath  her feet on the stage, she heard the bass notes, and the beginning chords to the last verse. But for the life of her she could not remember the words.

She'd been singing the same song for over thirty years, she'd been singing the same words just a minute ago and she couldn't remember the words.

She starred out at the crowd, among a thousand faces she could only focus on the one on stage next to her.

He'd slung his arm around her, taking it upon himself to share her microphone, pulling her body close. As soon as he had done that, she tensed, her mind going in to panic mode.

Stevie felt tears stinging her eyes, letting the song play out. Christine gave her a questioning look.

She shook her head, forcing a smile on her face, but it came out as a grimace.

The show played out, the band lining up for their final bows. Stevie made sure she was in between Mick and Christine, not even looking at Lindsey.

As soon as the lights went down she was off stage, being embraced by Robert instantly. She clung to him, tears stinging her eyes.

Robert was fuming, having seen the interaction between the two of them. He held Stevie, watching like a hawk for Lindsey to appear through the stage doors.

He finally did, Robert seething. "How many times do I have to tell you Buckingham, keep your hands off of her."

"Robert stop it." Stevie pleaded, trying to pull him back.

Lindsey held his hands in defense. "It's always been a part of the show, I didn't think it'd be that big a deal."

"When I say don't touch her, I mean don't touch her."

   "Do you have a problem with it Stevie?" Lindsey had turned his attention to her.

  Stevie opened her mouth, nothing coming out. She'd never felt so small before in her life, and that was saying a lot.

  Too overwhelmed, she pushed past the two men, disappearing in to the dressing room.

   Robert glared at Lindsey, shoving past him as he quickly followed her in to her private space.

     He found Stevie, her hands had a death grip on the back of the couch, leaning over it as her body shook.

  He quickly came up behind her, running his hands up and down her arms. "It's ok love."

   Stevie shook her head, struggling to recapture her breath.

   She'd started having panic attacks since the incident, not able to control them, terrified out of her mind when they occurred.

   Robert noticed the signs, rushing her to sit on the couch. He grabbed her hands, making them cup his own face, keeping them covered with his own hands as he starred her in the eyes.  He took deep breathes in and slow exhales, trying to get her to mimic his breathing.

   "It's alright love, I'm right here. Just look in to my eyes." He smoothed some of her hair behind her ear, laying his hand along the side of her neck. He felt her pulse start to slowly receded, nodding in encouragement.

   "That's right my moonlight, just breathe."

   Stevie had finally calmed down, tears welling in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close.

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