Two Kinds of Love

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His eyes, no his smile, wait his voice!

Stevie was going through the list in her head of what was enthralling her the most about Robert, struggling to figure out the biggest one. He spoke so lyrically, no matter what he was saying, it sounded like a fairy tale and she couldn't tear away. Laughing as he finished one of his glory day stories, she shook her head. "Unbelievable."

"Believe it baby." He laughed with her, watching her intently.


"Why'd you call me?"

Stevie took a sip of her wine, distracting herself before looking back up at him. "Why not?"

Robert shrugged, doing the same with his glass. "Curiosity."

"That's what killed the cat." He chuckled. Stevie pondered her thoughts for a moment, biting down on her lower lip. "Maybe I just wanted to see you... make things less complicated."

His attention perked up, smiling at her. "Oh?"

"I want to explore you."

"Oh?" He repeated again in a more suggestive town, smirking.

"Not like that, get those dirty thoughts out of your head." But she couldn't help the red tint showing up on her face as she thought of the same ones. "You have one of the most beautiful, complex minds, I want to know who the real Robert Plant is, intimately and truly."

"What changed from last night, the complicity."

"My life doesn't need any more complication in it. I'm tired of waiting for someone who doesn't respect me enough to not keep me waiting."

"You're not the only one who wants to read the other's mind Stevie. I'm enthralled by you, and any man that would keep you waiting is a fucking idiot. He should be lucky to even have a chance."

"I guess that luck's turned to you." A silence fell over them, Robert reaching over to grasp her shaking hand that lay on the table in his. "I'm not asking you to jump into a relationship with me, I just want to spend time with you, i can't explain it but i'm drawn to you and I want to share things with you."

"I feel like a bloody moth near flames when i'm with you. You are such a beautiful soul with an angelic face. I'd be ecstatic if you'd let me into this enchanted little world of yours."

Stevie smiled, Robert tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Like wise."

"I'm taking you on a date."

She felt like a teenager again, her eyes lighting up as she grinned at him giddily. "Ok. How about tonight?"

"You've got a show to do."

Stevie nodded. "Sing with me. On Rock & Roll."

"Darling, we sing for a living i'd hardly call that a date."

"Well then how about right now."

"You little minx, that was your intent all along wasn't it? Ambush me into a first date."

"I had no master plan Robert. I just wanted to see you." He smiled at her words, laughing at her next ones. "But why not kill two birds with one stone. I would love for you to sing with me tonight though, honestly."

"Your wish is my command darling. Would you like to go out afterwards?"

"I would love to."

"And where shall we go m'lady?"

"Surprise me."

They smiled at one another, a mischievous glint in their eyes, a storm brewing with in both of them.

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