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"Mmm." Robert groaned at the feel of her lips against his, tasting the sweetness of her mouth as their tongues continued to intertwine. He broke the kiss, laying his forehead against her as they took a breather, grinning madly at each other.

Stevie sat comfortably, sideways across his lap, her arms wound around his neck and her body leaning into his. They lifted their heads to watch the sun setting, both ignoring the morning chill that was brought upon them, too content to move as they sat nestled on her patio.

"You know," Stevie broke her stare of her surroundings, tilting her head up to look at him. "I don't think i've ever slept over at a woman's house and didn't go all the way."

"I'm honored." Stevie giggled. "Although we didn't even go to sleep, so does it really count as a sleep over?"

"It counts as the best bloody time of my life."

"All we did was talk."

"That's a gift on it's own, talking to you is starting to become my favorite part of the day."

"You're so full of shit."

Robert chuckled, running his fingers through her hair, rubbing them across her scalp as she sighed in content, snuggling closer into him. "How much longer until we have to rejoin the real world?"

"I'd say we have a couple more hours before Karen gets here."

"And what to do with those hours?"

"I kind of like just sitting here with you. I never get to enjoy quite anymore, it's nice to have someone to sit here and listen to nothing with me."

He looked down at her. "I know exactly how you feel."

"I figured you would, or else you'd be complaining about the loss of feeling in your legs right now." She shifted her body to get off his lap, letting out a small gasp when his arms locked around her waist, firmly pulling her back.

"Don't you dare move."

Stevie smiled, settling back into his embrace. "You're not tired of me yet?"

"I don't think I could ever get tired of you. I'm like a little boy discovering a lost world, forever infatuated."

"How do you make everything sound so romantic?"

"Just a gift of mine, it's easy to do when i've got the most romantic woman in my arms at the moment."

"Now you're just border-lining cliche."

Robert grimaced, shaking his head. "Not a very good one was it?"

Stevie chuckled, shaking her own head. "No."

"My apologies."

They both smiled at each other, their faces inching closer until their lips met. Her heart was racing as his hands tangled in her already tousled hair, her arms clinging around his shoulders so tightly as if she'd fall if she didn't keep a strong grip on them.

The sound of the doorbell going off pulled them from their dream-like states, their faces staying close as they gave each other a questioning look.

"Who the bloody hell is ringing your door bell at five in the morning?"

Stevie shook her head. "Who ever it is they have a death wish. Just ignore them." She quickly brought her lips back to his, sighing in frustration when the door bell began to go off continuously.

Robert squeezed her hips reassuringly. "I think it's a sign, both our lips will be purple and blue in a few hours.

"Excuse me." She squeezed his shoulders, reluctantly climbing off his lap.

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