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"Rise and shine sleeping beauty."

Karen pulled the blinds open and Stevie hissed, pulling the covers up over her head. Her assistant stood at the foot of her bed, hands on her hips as she looked at Stevie sternly. "Stevie up."

"Go away." Her voice muffled from underneath the blankets.

"I suggest getting up now unless you want to go to the venue in your pajamas." She didn't respond and Karen rolled her eyes, tugging the blankets off onto the floor. Stevie just rolled over, burying her head into her pillow. Karen sighed, looking down at her feet when Sulamith pawed at her legs. She bent over, picking her up and setting her down on Stevie's bed. "Sula wake her up."

The small dog barked and yipped, pouncing onto Stevie's back. Stevie squirmed, squealing when Sulamith licked her ear. "Ok i'm up! I'm up!" She rolled onto her back, petting Sulamith as she settled down on her chest. "What time do we have to leave?"

"We need to leave here at four. We'll have enough time to grab lunch with the girls before we head to the venue."

Stevie frowned, looking at her clock to see it was two in the afternoon. She took the cup of coffee Karen handed her as she sat up, taking a much needed drink.

"Was Robert here last night?" Karen question as she picked Stevie's blanket up off the floor, straightening out her boss's room.

"Why would you think that?"

"Well you two seemed to hit it off pretty quickly, not to mention all the uncomfortable eye-fucking."

Stevie's jaw dropped and Karen laughed. "Watch it." She pointed a finger at her sternly.

"Or what?"

"I'll fire you that's what."

Karen rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you couldn't even get out the front door without me."

Stevie opened her mouth to protest, but quickly shut it realizing her assistant was probably right, there was too many locks on the damned thing, remembering many previous struggles she'd had. "Well wether Bob was here or not, it's none of your business."

Karen ignored her comment. "Jeez,i thought after the night you had you'd be in a bit of a better mood."

"Nothing. Happened."

"Well at least tell me how dinner was."

"Amazing." She gave her assistant a smile and yawned, laying back down.

"Oh no you don't. Come on, get up."

"It's so early."

"You can sleep when you're dead." Stevie didn't budge. "I'll be back up here in an hour. If you're not ready that's your own fault, we can't be late." A muffled response came from Stevie's pillow as she started out of the room. "One hour."

Stevie had just drifted off to sleep again when she was jolted awake by the blaring of her ringtone. "What the hell..." Cursing, wondering why she even had the device out. She reached for the flip phone on the nightstand, squinting at the contact. A mixture of a smile and an irritated scowl came across her face. Flipping the phone open she held it to her ear, laying back down. "What?"

"Well hello to you too." Lindsey's voice filled her ears, obviously not expecting the greeting he'd received.

"Sorry," Stevie rubbed her forehead, clenching her eyes shut. "I just woke up."

"Jesus, Steph. Isn't it like two there already."

"Spare me the lecture Linds. What's up?"

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