Crash Into Me

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"Been a long time, been a long
lonely time.... yes it has."

Stevie smiled, biting her lip as the final chords rang out for Rock and Roll, a surge of familiar pride overcoming her as she looked out at the audience, at her fans. She gave them all a bright smile and wave as she headed off stage, thankful for the few minutes she had to catch her breath before going back out. She took the bottle of water from Karen, quickly downing half of it.

"You sounded great out there Stevie."

She smiled at her assitant. "You really think so?"

"Yeah, it's going awesome."

"Thank-oh!" Her vision was cut off by a flash of red and her hand flew up to feel whatever it was that had blinded her. "What the hell?" She felt the soft petals and then the plastic that covered the stems, then the hand that was holding them.

"Guess who." She felt the warm breath on her ear.

She pushed the flowers away, turning around to see a mop of curly ginger hair and a big smile. "Robert!" Her arms wrapped around his neck as he engulfed her in a big hug. "What are you doing here!" She grinned with excitment.

"Believe it or not I came to see you."

"And just how did you convince security to let you backstage?" She raised an eyebrow. Their relationship had always been playful.

"Darling i'm Robert Plant, I can do whatever the fuck I want."

"Language!" She smacked his shoulder, smiling coyly.

"Pardon me." He placed a hand on his chest, causing Stevie to smile wider.

"What'd you think of Rock 'n' Roll?" She hoped she'd done it justice, now knowing the man of the song it's self had seen.

"It was mind blowing baby. I couldn't have sang it better myself."

Stevie giggled excitedly, shaking her head. "Bullshit."

"Language! Ms.Nicks." Imitating her, he pulled her closer by the waist. Smacking her bottom lightly Stevie's eyes widened, her jaw dropping in shock, her eyes lighting up in amusement.

"Bob! You dirty man." She smacked his chest back, enjoying their closeness as he pulled her in even tighter. She couldn't deny she'd always had a bit of a crush.

"Forgive me darling, I can't help myself." He glinted his teeth at her, winking.

She bit her bottom lip, resting her hands on his arms, that were now wrapped completely around her waist. "Well since you think my show is so amazing," he nodded enthusiastically. "Why don't we have dinner to celebrate?"

"I think that's the most brilliant thing you've ever said." He smiled, planting a kiss on her cheek. "It's a date."

Stevie opened her mouth to speak, being cut off by her frantic assistant. "Stevie you need to get on stage NOW!"

"Shit!" She took Karen's waiting hand, being dragged back towards the stage just as her cue to come in was beginning. Robert watched in amusement, completely entranced.

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