Circle Dance

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   Stevie glared through the cell bars, her arms and legs crossed. She glanced at the clock, the small hand ticking by impossibly slow.

   She sighed, leaning forwards. At the very least she had been given a private cell.

   Stevie shook her head at the absurdity of the situation, tears stinging her eyes.

   Her head shot up when she heard Robert's voice, scrambling to her feet. She tried to peer through the bars, relief flooding through her; seeing his mop of curls.

       Her hands were gripping the bars tightly as the security officer slid the key in the lock. The cell door slid open and Stevie sprang out, launching herself in to Robert's arms.

   She held on to him tightly, frowning when he didn't hold her back, his arms limply wrapping around her. She frowned, looking up at him. "Robert?"

     Robert didn't acknowledge her, his grip falling from her. "Thank you officer."

The man nodded at him, Robert leading Stevie from the cell. The walk to the car was silent, tears stinging her eyes. She held them back, letting the silence simmer as they drove out of the parking lot.


   "Not now." He spoke through clenched teeth, a death grip on the steering wheel.

She bit her bottom lip, holding back tears. "I'm sorry."

He didn't respond and the tears fell, staining her cheeks. The ride home was deafeningly silent, Stevie holding her breath the entire way.

        They pulled in to the drive way, Robert getting out of the car. He didn't wait for Stevie, disappearing behind the front door as she sat in the front seat. She felt another round of tears, climbing out of the passenger seat and following her fiancé in.

    She found him at the bar, pouring a hearty glass of scotch; quickly guzzling it then refilling his cup.

    Stevie stood on the opposite side of the living room, her arms wrapped around herself. "Robert?

    She was met with silence, nearly crumbling to the floor.

        "Would you please say something!"

    "What the fuck do you want me to say Stevie!" His eyes met hers for the first time, burning intensely in to her.

   "I-I," She stammered. "I'm sorry."

    "You're sorry?" He asked incredulously, shaking his head. "I waited up for you, only to get a call that you're in fucking jail, with your ex-boyfriend."


"I asked you to stay, for us to work on our problems. And you go to a bar and meet up with Lindsey! Do you know how that makes me feel?"

"Robert I'm sorry." Stevie cried, tears running down her face.

"Is that all you can fucking say! I'm sorry? This is bullshit Stevie!"

Stevie stood stone still, sniffling. She didn't know what to say to make things better. What could she say?

"I love you." It was the only thing she could think of.

Robert shook his head in disbelief. "I'm leaving."

Stevie's heart fell to the pit of her stomach, trying her hardest not to breakdown. "So you don't love me anymore?"

"Of course I love you Stevie! I just wish you would have told me!" His eyes bore in to hers. "You came running down the stairs like a mad woman, and the next thing I know I'm getting a phone call from the police department!"

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