Glitter is Gold

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"Bloody hell woman, you're going to kill me!"

   Stevie frowned, looking away from the catalog. "What's wrong?"

   "We've been looking at floral arrangements for fucking hours. Can we please go home?" He was agitated, having already spent three hours in the same shop as Stevie browsed around.

    She narrowed her eyes at him, lowering her voice. "Are you trying to pick a fight with me right now?"

    "No love, but we've been here for what seems like forever. I want to go home."

   Stevie huffed, turning her attention to the centerpieces that lay before her. "Well you can go home if you'd like, I'm staying here."

   Robert sighed, leaning against the table; trying to get her to look at him. "You're mad."

   Stevie didn't deny it. "It'd be nice if you cared as much about our wedding as I do."

"Of course I care!" He glanced around, lowering his voice noticing they were receiving a few stares. "You're obsessing over every teeny detail, relax."

"I'm not obsessing!" Stevie became defensive.

"You're comparing fucking flower stems! Nobody gives a shit about those!"

Stevie tensed, taking a deep breath. Robert noticed her clam up instantly, letting out a heavy sigh. "Stevie I'm sorry, i didn't mean to upset you. I'm just-

"I want to go home." She cut him off.


She didn't wait for his response, walking out of the store. Robert groaned inwardly, following her out. She was already in the car by the time he got out, climbing in the drivers seat. He pulled out of the parking lot, not enjoying the tense atmosphere that surrounded them.


"Just take me home Robert."

He nodded silently. The ride was painfully quiet, Stevie's arms folded over her chest and her eyes glaring out the window. They pulled in their driveway, Robert sighing as she slammed the car door behind her.

He followed her inside, seeing her heading for the stairs.

"Love why are you so upset?"

Stevie tensed, shaking her head. "They might just be fucking flower stems, but it's a big deal to me."

Robert kept quiet, biting the inside of his cheek as he looked down at his shoes; ashamed.

"Robert I never got to have kids, I never got to have an actual wedding. You did. I was vain and took those things away from myself. This is the one thing that I can do to make up for all that."

Stevie shrugged her shoulders, holding back tears. "If you don't like it then stop coming with me. I am going to obsess over every little tiny thing. Because I want it to be perfect. I deserve a perfect wedding."

   "You do deserve a perfect wedding. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

"It's fine."

      "No it's not." He approached her, his hands coming up to rest on her shoulders. "I was being insensitive and I truly am sorry."

   Stevie nudged him away, wiping under her eyes. "Robert just leave me alone right now."


   "Leave me alone." She cut him off, giving him a look.

    He didn't want to argue with her, or cause her any more distress. Swearing under his breath as he watched her leave the room; fleeing to the safety of their bedroom. He sank down the couch, running a heavy hand through his wild curls.

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