If Anyone Falls

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   Stevie woke up to a tremendous pounding in her head, groaning. Her eyes opened and she cringed at the light, feeling nauseous.

   Blocking her vision with her hand, she sat up slowly. She heard soft snoring besides her, turning her head and her heart melting just a bit seeing Robert fast asleep.

        She smiled down at him, smoothing his wild curls away from his face before placing a gentle kiss amongst his temple.

  Quite literally crawling out of bed, she ventured into her bathroom, carefully flipping on the light. She cringed at the sight in front of her.

Her make up was smeared under her eyes, her hair tangled all over the place. She didn't have the energy to fix it, splashing water on her face then trudging back to her bed. She flopped down next to Robert, hearing him groan.

"Stevie love, do me a huge favor."

"What?" She barely mumbled out, her head pounding so hard she feared she was going to throw up.

He rolled onto his back, groaning. Just as in much pain as she was. "Take this pillow here and smother me with it, don't stop until I stop breathing. Put me out of my misery, please."

Stevie held her head, burrowing herself under the covers. "Please stop talking."

Robert drifted in and out of consciousness. The pain shooting through his skull tremendous.

He reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out a joint. "You got a light?"

Stevie nodded, slowly reaching over to her side table and pulling out a lighter. She tossed the lighter at him, closing her eyes.

  She heard him flick the lighter, the smell of marijuana filling her senses.

   He puffed on the joint, blowing the smoke out, happy it offered some relief to the ear-splitting headache he was experiencing.

   Stevie reached out for it, Robert handing it over. Taking a drag, she let the smoke settle, letting that tingling feeling creep from her brain down to her toes.

     Not realizing she held it in so long, Stevie coughed out the smoke. Robert chuckled, taking the joint between her fingers. "Amateur."

    Stevie scrunched her eyes shut, still utterly exhausted from the night before. "What time is it?"

   "Who cares?" Robert questioned back.

   They shared the joint back and forth, finally finding a level where they weren't sick to their stomachs.

  "I haven't drank that much since 1986." Stevie groaned out. "I don't remember ever feeling this shitty."

    "We're old. We should just retire and move to a nursing home."

   Stevie laughed, shaking her head. "We're not there yet."

  "Oh come on, we'd have a great time. Rocking the hell out of all those poor biddies and lasses."

   Stevie just shook her head, her hand coming up to rest above her head.

  Robert starred at her, infatuated. He dropped the roach in a cup of water on her bedside table. Leaning over, he placed his lips softly to hers.

   A small smile grew on her face, opening her eyes to see his face right above hers. "That was nice."

Robert nodded in agreement, sighing when his phone went off.

  He rolled back to his side of the bed, reaching for his phone on the night stand. He squinted his eyes, seeing a few messages from his publicist.

   "This is going to be a doozy."

   He opened the phone, Stevie watching him curiously. Robert opened the links his publicist had sent, a chuckle escaping his lips.

     "What?" Stevie questioned.

   "Looks like we're no longer a secret." He turned the phone towards Stevie. An image of them kissing in the club from last night had surfaced on a gossip site.

    Stevie rolled her eyes. "Do they have nothing better to do?"

   Robert shrugged. "Should we make a public announcement?"

   Stevie shook her head. "No, let them speculate. I want to stay under wraps as long as possible." She laid her head on his chest, looking at the picture of the two of them. "Your hands are on my ass."

    Robert just grinned. "Guilty as charged. How long until you think the whole world figured us out?"

    Stevie shrugged. "Judging by the amount of views this thing has not long. It's kind of fun though, don't you agree?" She propped herself up on her elbows, face to face with him. "Seeing how long it takes everyone to figure it out, it's like a little game."

   Robert just shook his head, chuckling. "I could really care less what the media thinks of me."

   Stevie shrugged. "They're going to be there regardless, why not make it fun."

    Robert purses his lips. "Alright Nicks, let's make a bet. How long until the world figures out we're together? I give it 48 hours."

   Stevie bit down on her nail, her mind tinkering. "I say a week."

   "Stretching it a little far there are you?"

   "I'm good at keeping secrets, that just means no more pictures of your hands on my ass, and no more kissing in public."

  "You can't make rules to make it easier for you. If we get caught we get caught."

   "Fine." She reluctantly agreed. "What does the winner get?"

   Robert grinned at her, his eyes glinting. "A 24 hour slave. If I win you have to do whatever I say for a full twenty four hours, and vice versa."

   Stevie squinted her eyes at him. "Is this some sort of sexual fantasy of yours?"

   Robert through his head back laughing. "Only if you want it to be love."

   Stevie thought for a moment, sticking out her hand and looking him squarely in the eye. "Deal. Be ready to be on your knees scrubbing my kitchen Plant."

   Robert took her hand, returning her stare with his own. "Be ready to be on your knees in my bedroom Nicks."

     Stevie felt her heart race, leaning over him and placing her lips against his, sealing the deal with a kiss.

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