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Saber talked with Neil and Daven. If there was a time for them to rally allies, it was tomorrow. Their preparations were set to a good level, although there was always room for improvement. Saber was happy that Neil and Daven were good sports about it though. They listened well, and they were ready for whatever he had for them.

Saber told Neil to be leader during the time that they would be going out in search for allies, hidden and visible. Neil brightened at the position and vowed to hold up his responsibility to him and New Begin. Neil always had the attitude of being up for leader, and Saber admired that in the young lad.

As for Daven, Saber had other plans. Daven would be tagging along with Anlace while they go out to search for allies. Anlace would be the ideal part for this, Saber knew, for she was a stealthy, swift, and a social silent killer. Her stealth would play well when trying to find allies within enemy walls, swiftness to be able to leave quickly, her friendly feminine social abilities to be able to talk with the allies and convince, as well as a silent killer for she was very good with close combat and daggers.

Daven would be able to learn a couple things from her during this quest. Saber knew that it was a bit risky to have the boy tag along, but he knew that the boy could also be ideal for the job. He liked snooping around, plenty, on other people's business, and he wasn't quite scared to do so unless told not to. Of course, Saber has taught all of his students integrity and character, so he knew Daven would only use these skills for good. However, he knew Daven to be quite the goof, so the boy would occasionally do jokes here and there, but it was all good fun.

Saber was sure that Daven knew his boundaries and borders. What truly worried him about the lad, was how he did not like to wait. He wasn't too patient. He could be sneaky and wait for a little while, but occasionally he would like to say something funny, do a little fun, and spice things up a bit.

This, the boy had to learn to control.

Once Daven heard of his quest from Saber, he became ecstatic at the task. Saber was excited for him also, but he reminded him that this was a serious matter. Saber did not want to stifle the boy's humorous personality, so he encouraged him to have fun, but not too much.

Having fun on the job, could either be for better or for worse. Saber reminded him to not do the latter.

The boy might also encounter deadly adversaries, so this he warned him of. Daven understood.

Saber was truly proud to have Neil and Daven to take these places, but something within him made him uneasy that this war was truly coming to take place.


It's nothing...Angel thought. She heard a small rustle of ground, but she excused it to be the wind or some creature. Angel could see a bit of the sky from where she laid down, and she gave her gratitude to God that she could see the beautiful wonders that floated right above her, even if she was indeed stuck inside a jail cell. She tried not to complain about her whole situation, though she did in fact think about it plenty for she had not much else to do; otherwise, she was also thinking of a way to get herself out of it, rather than just sitting there watching the time pass by.

Angel loved watching the stars. Some of them appeared to move, and they were, slowly like dancing jewels. She smiled at them though no one probably have seen, but she had joy within filling her ever so gently with peace. God saw her; she knew, probably joyful that His daughter is smiling at what He has created. Her pleasure grew for the tiniest things around her. The way that the moonlight struck her cell, basked it with magic.

After gazing upon the heavenly bodies, she yawned and stretched her arms. Her eyes fluttered in want of sleep.

Angel decided to call it a day. She wasn't going to wait anymore longer for tonight.

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