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Angel didn't know if she just saw someone she knew, but her heart stopped. "Who are you?" Angel asked. Looking him in the eye had this way of calming Angel's nerves. His face was gentle and kind, and the small smile that his lips made filled his whole entire being. Angel was still a little shaken up, however, but now, she was felt a little of both.

"I'm wondering the same about you." He said with his smile still perfectly blended on his face.

Angel had her eyes locked on his, and if she knew any better, his was too. The way his eyes were green made her feel like she was lost inside the forest again, except she was peaceful about it. Lost in a forest of many things.

Angel didn't chuckle or giggle. She would've if it wasn't for the situation she was in. But she almost felt her guard fall when she heard him say the words.

"I asked first." Angel said. It was all she felt like she could say without showing him that she was beginning to trust him.

"Alright." His eyes moved away for a second and then back. "How about we get you some help first?"


"Yup. Help. It hurts me to see you like this. A girl like you shouldn't be even here in the first place."

Angel knew he was right about that. She was a mess and she knew every single bit of it.

"How are you going to do that?" Angel asked.

"Sadly, I can't do much right now, but I'll try to get you some help or something better for you to sleep on. Those bruises won't feel too good on that thing. Plus there's blood dripping on your lip."

Angel didn't know blood was dripping on her lip, but she did know her hand got a disgusting scratch after being pulled out like that with the chains. She wanted to ask the man—or should it be young man?—about it. But she felt like she might be asking too much. She didn't want to fall into another trap.

"I'll be right back. I'll be quick. After this, I want to talk a little bit with you."




The sun was setting, and Angel was still inside the cell. She got herself collected while she was alone waiting for the man who was out to get help. Whatever help was... Angel looked out the window as best she could by turning her head. The window was now above her since the chains held her there.

Angel didn't know what was worse at the moment. How she was in chains or the fact that she felt disgustingly sweaty. It didn't make her feel any better that the one nice guy that she spared was the one guy that actually looked decent out of the two. Or is it just because he's so nice and he has to see me like this?

Angel couldn't answer that question. Her mind wondered off as she thought about what he said about talking. She didn't know if she wanted to. She felt like her mouth wanted to stay shut and that she didn't want to be interrogated again. She had to know that she could trust him first.

Angel heard the door opening again. "Hey, you can only come back again this time. Come back again, you have to ask Prince Chance for permission." A different voice, most likely the new guards that now stood in front of the main door.

"No problem, boys."

"Well, you know Prince Chance more than I do. I just don't wanna get in trouble with him." The other man said.

"Like I said. No problem. I'll take care of this."

Angel heard him now coming down the hall. She just stared and thought over what to say while he came, but just thinking about it made her want to use the restroom. The restroom! Ughh...why didn't I think of that before?

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