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Angel was out of her cell and pacing herself down the "L" shaped jail corridor. She knew there was one last door that was tipped at the end of the "L" where walls sided both sides of the small tail. She could feel the adrenaline already rising to her veins. Angel knew the door swung inside when you opened it from outside according to what the shadow told her every time someone entered. Two guards on both sides of the door...

She made her footsteps light. Her boots helped her well. She began to slow her pace down and made sure that her breath and heart was lower in sound so she could hear from the outside. She needed to know if the guards were distracted or not. She crouched to the edge of the door.

Angel peered through the crack, the night air reviving her senses to a keen alertness. She could see a part of one man's backside. In the other side of the door, she imagined the other man doing the same. She heard them talking. Angel cornered herself in the portion of where the door would conceal her if it were opened. Just like hide and seek...the spot behind the door. Angel needed to think this over for a second.

She had her plan, but first, she needed to listen, real carefully.

"Why do we have to be so cautious? I don't get it. If the prisoner had the key, shouldn't he have come out by now?"

That line itself told Angel very valuable things. He... key... cautious..

Angel knew what that meant. She had to be cautious. They know she has the key, but they thought she was a he. Looks like I have bad news and good news. This'll work. I already have the key. They just know that I have it.

Angel looked at the keys that she separated from the other keys. She knew that she only needed two: one for her cell, and the other for the main door. She had the other keys in a bundle, safely wrapped with the make shift separator she made with the bed sheet so that the keys won't jingle. I don't even really need this keys...

Angel smiled. I know...

"Because..." The man started of the explain.

That's my cue.


Saber, Peter, and Prince Abason set out. They rode on the horses that the prince and Angel brought with them, excepting the one Saber owned. Despite the fact that Peter and Abason were tired, they kept their eyes alert. Saber did the same for caution towards the probability of having to encounter enemy men. Having Prince Abason along with Peter and himself, would create major complications. However, that is not affecting their speed and pace.

Angel sent the note three nights before and her disappearance with the inability to return worried them tremendously. Angel's parents were on the verge once again, though Angel has occasionally comforted them about such matters many times before. They have tried, but felt that this matter was significantly more different.

Saber had let the parents know, for they had the right to, but they could not reach out for comfort among the villagers. The information according to where Angel has gone to, has been closed excepting the Fates and the Roamers.

Peter and Abason felt duty and courage swell inside, or was it?

Peter knew what he felt. Others may have called it duty or courage, but he knew it was something else, something always stronger in all circumstances. It was love. Was it because he was such close friends with Angel? Probably. Peter thought. He couldn't imagine Angel disappearing off the face of his world into the hands of the enemy.

Peter's eyes no longer felt tired. Every single step, gallop, and second told him how much this situation really weighed.

Peter glanced over to Prince Abason. The Prince's face appeared as any very concerned leader, him, a prince, would have in any dire situation. Peter didn't exactly know what Prince Abason was feeling at the moment, but it seemed that they both knew the importance of the task. Something was up, and Angel not revealing herself in the last day, meant that something was truly wrong.

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